The good morning thread



  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 8:16PM
    'morning .all! GORGEOUS day here. Looks great through windows I had cleaned Saturday!:happy:
  • edited 8:16PM
    Good morning! Sunny as abastard

    I'm off to London
  • edited 8:16PM
    gord mooning! also sunny as a bastard here!

    i hear it's raining in that london town...
  • edited 8:16PM
    in that there London town? sheesh. Sunny as you know what here as well !
  • edited 8:16PM
    i have always avoided this thread as i do not believe in good mornings(or bad ones)...i do however believe in mornings as the definition seems to fit the
    solar occurrence of the day~
    so i say morning to you all

    I am drunk and love everything(except for the things that i dont!)
  • edited 8:16PM
    ^ round heels


    i can ALMOST see the light defining the cedars to the east, or maybe it's a matter of faith that they're still there.

    another sunny day in store. i'm going to put my canoe in the water today. it's all shiny and smooth: like new, only better.

  • edited 8:16PM
    chris said...gord mooning! also sunny as a bastard here!

    i hear it's raining in that london town...
    It was beautiful sunshine all day :happy:
  • edited 8:16PM
    hehe, well, it was bloody lovely here too, innit!
  • edited 8:16PM
  • edited 8:16PM
    it all went a bit pete tong in the uk thread over there, btw. cham kinda flounced.
  • edited 8:16PM
    yeah, morg sent me a sms, lol
  • edited 8:16PM

    Any UK'ers feel the earthquake last night?
  • edited 8:16PM
    This morning, I saw user icons in fazyluckers. I had to rub my eyes with special care.
  • edited 8:16PM
    nicko, i had a go at cath for waking me in the middle of the night - does that count?
  • edited 8:16PM
    good morning, fazyluckers! please adjust all avatars to a comfortable 16px square, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride :)

    sunny intervals as a bastard.
  • edited February 2008
    chris said...nicko, i had a go at cath for waking me in the middle of the night - does that count?
  • edited 8:16PM
    lols :)
  • edited February 2008
    Good morning !

    Sunny as a motherfucker bastard here.

    I though i was having a heart attack or something when we had that tremor last night!
  • edited 8:16PM
    nicko said...Morning!

    Any UK'ers feel the earthquake last night?
    Yes sure did, interesting sensation . . . 5.2 on the scale I believe . . . .

    . . . was in bed and the earth moved for me - lol :O)

    Morning everyone, just back from a few days in Birmingham, tomorrow of to Wales . . . .
  • edited 8:16PM
    where in wales, peak?
  • edited 8:16PM
    nicko said...Morning!

    Any UK'ers feel the earthquake last night?

    The earth moved for me in Bedfordshire last night too.
  • edited 8:16PM
    I see what you did there...
  • edited 8:16PM
    you all jiggled.

    i'm continously amazed that y'all can work with one hand and type with the other. skillz *nod*

    good morning, heroes of the intenets. :)

    the canoe turned out to be still tacky; it's raining now,
    so nevermind. i've 2 liters of spar varnish that is so very beautiful. all the myriads
    of infinitesmal bubbles distributed throughout by a fortuitous
    thud thudditty thud thud rollclank rollllll thud clink clink clink.

    i rather wish the lid had been off: THAT i'd know how to fix.
  • edited 8:16PM
    Don't ya just hate it when it rains on ya varnish?
  • edited February 2008
    canoe's protected; the air's too damp.

    the bubbles will never go away. i wish the damn can was transparent.
    maybe i'll pour it into a jar, and run a LED light through the lid.

    hey :) that's a good idea!

  • edited 8:16PM
    Just read this on BBC News about the tremor and made me chuckle.
    "Jamil Ali in Sheffield said: "I woke up and the first thing I thought was that there were a load of burglars in the house.

    The kids were screaming and so was my wife. It was that violent you actually moved yourself."
    Moved yourself? Never heard it called that before.

  • edited 8:16PM
    I think I just moved myself :awkward:
  • edited 8:16PM
    Gooood morning. I think my bragging about how warm it was yesterday came back to bite me.. It's a nice 4C/40F :( Oh well... nice and warm in the office :happy:
  • edited 8:16PM
    Good morning. Nondescript as a bastard :awkward:
  • edited 8:16PM
    morning! sunny as a bastard!

    (heavy rain as a bastard forecast for tomorrow)
  • edited 8:16PM
    gooood morning
  • edited 8:16PM
    morning all ! Tired as a bastard today :awkward:

    just waiting for the heavy rain as.......
  • edited 8:16PM
    Hmm, nondescript weather is really boring :happy:
  • edited 8:16PM
  • edited 8:16PM
    I see what you did there
  • edited 8:16PM
    .... I was hoping nobody would notice !
  • edited 8:16PM
    it's one of those mornings where i wake, sit up smiling, streeeetch my arms up over my head and say "good morning world!! ". the coffee's very good, the fire's a work of art, and i've a pot of oatmeal going. (i roast the oat flakes until nut-brown before cooking). it smells so good in here.

    mmm nothing as a bastard. :) no illegitimate weather. a mild february day will appear; maybe some mizzly rain, but mostly sunny. beneficient rain. warm rain. barefoot rain.
  • edited 8:16PM
    Good morning mick!
  • edited 8:16PM
    /me yawns

    goooooooooooodd morning. cold again.. luckily this cold front will blow out by tomorrow and we can get our sunshiney weather back again :happy:
  • edited 8:16PM
    did you get 2 hours of unbroken sleep, nicko? that's got to be your standard of "yes, i can make it if i get this much".

  • edited 8:16PM
    I had an awesome 7 solid hours :happy:

    good morning skyler :smile:
  • edited 8:16PM
    wow.. nicko, that IS awesome. no doubt you'll be on a tear all day. vim vigour and vitality. maybe even dancing!

    skyler, there's no way YOU got 7 hours. :)
  • edited 8:16PM
    dancing seems unlikely at this stage... I do feel quite human though
  • edited 8:16PM
    Morning Mick, and Skyler !
  • edited 8:16PM
    how's your energy level, squaps? ... and good morning! :)
  • edited 8:16PM
    energy is good lately, mick. Still get tired all of the time but its not so bad if you just plod on,I'm sure you know what i mean. And my breathing is good as well. The wonders of modern medicine !
  • edited February 2008
    haha, i actually got a good 7.5 hours last night, mick! amazing! feels weird to feel... alive.. :happy: i've been getting like 4-6 hours of sleep lately with how busy everything's been, so last night was awesome.

    morning squap!
  • edited February 2008
    squapple is good lately, mick. Still get tired all of the time but its not so bad if you just plod on,I'm sure you know what i mean. And my breathing is good as well. The wonders of modern medicine !
    Cocaine aint that modern :happy:
  • edited February 2008
    :happy: you'd be surprised the wonders copious amounts of caffeine can do for killing your sleep schedule. may as well be cocaine :tongue: nm :tongue:
  • edited 8:16PM
    hehe! I think that clashes with my steroids anyway :awkward:
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