The good morning thread



  • edited 3:17AM
    it's raining. are you happier now, BIff? :p

    i spent the day yesterday pruning blueberries at a local farm. they can't afford to hire help, so they're paying folks in "shares" of the future crop. it's like playing the stockmarket, only with less mud. heh

    i've finished sanding down my canoe and patching a few dings. it's time for spar varnish.

    spring IS threatening to show up as scheduled. with the rain, comes the warmer air, and it smells like the buds on some of the trees are breaking. mmmm

  • edited 3:17AM
    You paint a good picture Mick
    . . . we should all take a leaf from your book . . .
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 3:17AM
    tried to *quote* ...:-(

    But I will add to peak's note: to speak! :-D

    mick speaks with the poet's tongue,I swear!

    I could never hope to compete...but sure is nice-reading!
  • edited 3:17AM

    my spirit was a bit low three minutes ago.
    thank you, sweet virtual friends.
    you are as influential as the wingbeat of a butterfly: vast.

  • edited 3:17AM
    mick said...:)

    my spirit was a bit low three minutes ago.
    thank you, sweet virtual friends.
    you are as influential as the wingbeat of a butterfly: vast.

    The wing beat has come back to us I think . . .
  • edited 3:17AM
    Good morning!

    Dark as a bastard
  • edited 3:17AM
    LOL. Go to sleep!
  • edited 3:17AM
    Yeah. Good idea
  • edited 3:17AM
    morning :)

    misty as a bastard
  • edited 3:17AM
    Clear blue skies and the remnants of an early morning frost . . .

    . . . morning.
  • edited 3:17AM
    sunny as a bastard! all windows are open! quite warm, damn solar gain!
  • edited 3:17AM
    I got a top-up tan this morning. Sunny and warm as a bastard here.
  • edited 3:17AM
  • edited 3:17AM
    lol, morning... sunneh as a bastard also
  • edited 3:17AM
    oops, bit late :D

    afternoon fazy :)
  • edited February 2008
    butterflies originally inspired the concept of reverberation.

    sunny days. sliver moon nights with a possibility of stars.


    if i could bottle the air, this morning, it would taste like calvados.. a hint of woodsmoke, a tang of apple (apples on my porch). ;) my calvados has no alcohol content.
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 3:17AM
    mick said...butterflies originally inspired the concept of reverberation.

    sunny days. sliver moon nights with a possibility of stars.


    if i could bottle the air, this morning, it would taste like calvados.. a hint of woodsmoke, a tang of apple (apples on my porch). ;) my calvados has no alcohol content.
  • edited 3:17AM
    Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning!

    I worked late last night... need coffeh

    Frosty / sunny as a bastard
  • edited 3:17AM
    Morning nicko

    Gloriously sunny here too, the frost has gone now . . . I'm about to go for my second cup (of tea).

    . . . dentists later this morning :(
  • edited 3:17AM
    Anything serious or just a check up?
  • edited 3:17AM
    Cracked tooth!!
  • edited 3:17AM
    Ouch! Look after your teef
  • edited 3:17AM

    (also, i rode in today after picking the bike up from the 'shop, brr!)
  • edited 3:17AM
    nicko said...Ouch! Look after your teef
    Yes, try to . . . a past bit of dentistry might have contributed to the demise of this one!
  • edited 3:17AM
    chris said...coffeh!

    (also, i rode in today after picking the bike up from the 'shop, brr!)
    It must nearly be Spring!
  • edited 3:17AM
    Yes, definitely on the way, it feels good . . . in fact I've just drawn those blinds a little wider open to let more of that sun light in . . .
  • edited 3:17AM
    storms coming. my location sits on the rain/snow line often during these things, snowing over an inch an hour then pouring rain...or a mix...or maybe sleet or freezing rain.....

    for us, it's right effin' cold - but it's not winnipeg, or the dakotas.... and for the morning we'll stay bright, but later and into tomorrow better have both the pontoons and the skis for the car :)

    this is my week of transition for work, and parallels the weather quite nicely ;) slow, backups, training, then 8+ hrs of work in 4....

    coffeh, oh yeah...and spring would be very nice, but not yet not yet
  • edited 3:17AM
    . . . dentists later this morning :(
    Update: I've got to have it crowned! Two more appointments in the diary now!
    bull said...storms coming. my location sits on the rain/snow line often during these things, snowing over an inch an hour then pouring rain...or a mix...or maybe sleet or freezing rain.....

    for us, it's right effin' cold - but it's not winnipeg, or the dakotas.... and for the morning we'll stay bright, but later and into tomorrow better have both the pontoons and the skis for the car :)

    this is my week of transition for work, and parallels the weather quite nicely ;) slow, backups, training, then 8+ hrs of work in 4....

    coffeh, oh yeah...and spring would be very nice, but not yet not yet
    You'll have to post us-all a pict when that weather's been and gone!
  • edited 3:17AM
    morning! crisp and sunny morning here :)
  • edited February 2008
    morning! crispy and sunny here too :smile:
  • edited 3:17AM

    though, it isn't really. but i don't suppose it's often that mah widget will be saying that!
  • edited 3:17AM
    nothing worth taking as far as the storms go - slushy here, nothing dramatic... a lot of rain on the way supposedly... no big deal. gray and foggy as just about anything here :)

    good morning anyway :D
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 3:17AM
    nicko said...morning! crispy and sunny here too :smile:
    do you and chris live next door to each other? :happy:
  • edited 3:17AM
    Yeah we do. Chris doesn't know it yet though :happy:
  • edited 3:17AM
    Ve. said...
    nicko said...morning! crispy and sunny here too :smile:
    do you and chris live next door to each other? :happy:
    chris and nicko are both the same person, ve.! ;)
  • edited 3:17AM
    Bipolarity is a terrible thing to live with :awkward:
  • edited 3:17AM
    you're telling me!

    yes, i am.

  • edited 3:17AM
    Shaddap dammit!
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 3:17AM
    HA! hehehehehheheheheeh!:happy:
  • edited 3:17AM
    i've gleaned that nicko suffers from fluctuating diagnosis disease.

    needs must.... heh
  • edited 3:17AM
    sunny intervals as a bastard, and a nice drop in temperature (it was getting a little too close to double figures, after all...)
  • edited 3:17AM
    Good morning as a bastard !
  • edited 3:17AM
    Hey, thanks for all the Valentines cards you sent guys :happy:
  • edited 3:17AM
    Good morning internets peoples :)
  • edited 3:17AM
    ey oop, lads!
  • edited 3:17AM
    Oh hai!

    Friday morning as a bastard :happy:
  • edited 3:17AM
    good morning y'all
  • edited 3:17AM
    Morning campers. Frosty as a bastard :happy:
  • edited 3:17AM
    good morning, ladies!

    yay, frosty and sunny here, nice!
  • edited 3:17AM
    yay, today was a near-frostbite morning :)

    (sunny as a barsteward, though)
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