The good morning thread



  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 8:18PM
    Good Morning,you lot!
    Sun shines ,here.
  • edited 8:18PM
    Ve. said...
    nicko said...Oh... it's morning already
    (did you even GO to sleep? What with planning the future and all? Did you plan MY future while you were in there??)
    I should have planned to go to bed earlier :wink:
    and with the window closed</small?
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited February 2008
    :happy: (But sorry you caught a little cold)
  • edited February 2008
    nicko said...I should have planned to go to bed earlier :wink:
    meeeee too. i'm running on about 4 hrs sleep and it's making me pretty drowsy. guess i should just drink some more coffee. :happy: good morning everyone!
  • edited February 2008
    Skyler said...guess i should just drink some more coffee. :happy: good morning everyone!
    eat an apple instead! good morning :)
  • edited February 2008
    good idea :smile:. might have to make a run to the store real quick.
    edited 8:18PM
    someone mentioned bratwurst in here?

    time for breakfast me thinks.
  • edited 8:18PM
    Morning... warm and cosy as a bastard
  • edited 8:18PM
    Good morning . . . the sun has gone :(

    Grey skies and rain. There's a cup of tea on the desk and the fan heater is whirring away in the background . . .
  • edited 8:18PM
    CPU said...someone mentioned bratwurst in here?

    time for breakfast me thinks.
    Breakfast! I knew there was something I'd forgotten! Umm if only I had some Coco Pops . . .
  • edited 8:18PM
    pretty cloudy this morning, definite feeling of impending damp!
  • edited 8:18PM
    the eclipse last night was stunning. i went down (very low tide, too!) and picked oysters and watched the umbral edge tease us... 3 times.

    this morning, it's so warm out that i nearly didn't light a fire, but the cats insisted. so they're on the floor, comfy, and i'm up here in the hot air with sweat beads.

    heh.. open a window, dummy! (did.. whew).

    i planted peas yesterday. :) :) :) the buds on the maple trees broke. that's my signal.

  • edited February 2008
    Good morning. And good morning it sounds like, Mick. You do live the 'good' life !

    A big difference from the big smoke !
  • edited 8:18PM
    there's trade-offs, my friend, but.. yeah. i'm a lucky gal.

    not sophisticated like you big smokers, tho'.

  • edited 8:18PM
    well if thats what you want to call us :happy:
  • edited 8:18PM
    mick big smokers
    I lolled
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 8:18PM

    Were we all watching one moon eclipse last night, no matter in what corner of the universe we stood?

  • edited 8:18PM

    that's all i'm saying

    well, apart from that

    and erm...
  • edited 8:18PM
    i didn't! i did, however, reconstruct the event by closing my eyes and sleeping :D
  • edited 8:18PM
    oh yeah, there was that eclipse thingy majig - anyone stay up and watch?
  • edited 8:18PM
    Ve. said...'morning,all.

    Were we all watching one moon eclipse last night, no matter in what corner of the universe we stood?

    Oops... I might have been sleeping.

    What are you doing up at this time??
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 8:18PM
    Ahhh yes. It (moon)happened from about 9 pm to about 10:15 pm here..right out my front window.:happy:

    Yeah...I'm up early! Got a doctor's appointment at the obscene time of 9 am.

    (there were only 40 posts at FL when I awoke today)

  • edited 8:18PM
  • edited 8:18PM
    Good morning... it is morning isn't it? ~looks out window... seems to be night time still :happy:
  • edited 8:18PM
    good morning, it's friday! yay!
  • edited 8:18PM
  • edited February 2008
    man, i've not long got into work, not a great morning so far. roll on the end of friday working day (which may be later than normal today :()
  • edited 8:18PM
  • edited 8:18PM
    good morning all
  • edited 8:18PM
    Morning (I share the sentiments chris), the days not started well and the weather is shit too . . . it will get better though (goes off in search of a gun . . .)
  • edited 8:18PM
    that would be a staplegun, i assume? :p

    there are just mornings when a person SHOULD have imbibed or danced or rolled in the hay all the night before. it's like paying dues but not getting all the membership benefits.

    "pay it forward" for dummies.

  • edited 8:18PM
    ding dong!
  • edited 8:18PM
    that would be ramaLAMA ding DONG. :)

    just got home. (nearly 1:30) did a benefit concert with a local band for a cooperative housing initiative. we made BIG (for here) bux! i sang good, but am especially proud of the Lindy Hop demo with a crazy-legged pal. wheeeeeeeeeee!

    i'm as rummy as i expected to be. today's going to be mellow by necessity; i feel sat on.
  • edited 8:18PM
    morning... busy as a bastard
  • edited 8:18PM
    *yawns* good morning!
  • edited 8:18PM
    *bump* :(
  • edited 8:18PM
    Good morning! Wonderful day as a bastard
  • edited 8:18PM
    :( indeed

    Morning anyway !

    No heating in work again. Cold a bastard
  • edited 8:18PM
    what's with all the :( ? Lovely and warm in the office today :happy:
  • edited 8:18PM
    good morning, ladies! damn, i hate mondays ...
  • edited 8:18PM
    I love mondays - back to work for a rest :awkward:
  • edited 8:18PM
    my :( was just that it's monday again. weekends need to be longer - saturday seems to be the cooling down lap, sunday seems to be preparation for another week. it needs at least one day in between.
  • edited 8:18PM
    it is a fine and glorious day though, i'll give it that. i was of the impression that it was going to be a miserable start to the week, weather wise.
  • edited 8:18PM
    It's gonna piss down tomorrow so make the most of it :happy:
  • edited 8:18PM
    a very good fazy morning to y'all :)
  • edited 8:18PM
    that's not what my magic 8-ball tells me!

  • edited 8:18PM
    chris :( was just that it's monday again. weekends need to be longer - saturday seems to be the cooling down lap, sunday seems to be preparation for another week. it needs at least one day in between.
    very well described !
  • edited 8:18PM
    nearly 3:30 am, and that intense moon is still darting fierce blue-white rays to the back of my eyes.

    it's oddly warm (there's been no frost) considering the clear sky. sunny periods like this are pure joy.
    i'm taking what comes with a smile and some sunscreen, 'cause once this lull is past, it could reasonably rain until june.
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 8:18PM
    nicko said...I love mondays - back to work for a rest :awkward:
    :-) How was baby's birthday?
  • edited 8:18PM
    Ha ha it was brilliant :happy:
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