The good morning thread

edited August 2007 in conversations
mornin' :awkward:


  • edited 8:42AM
    almost time to knock off here in Australia...and I think it may actually be the end of tomorrow here or something.
  • edited 8:42AM
  • edited 8:42AM
  • edited 8:42AM

    Lovely sunny day
  • edited August 2007
    morning, crappy, horrible, dull, grey, windy, cold, rainy day here
  • edited 8:42AM
    middigit:morning, crappy, horrible, dull, grey, windy, gold, rainy day here
    Gold - wow, well I guess where there's muck there's brass (Oo runs of to another thread . . .)
  • edited 8:42AM
    ahem....cold :D
  • edited 8:42AM
    middigit:ahem....cold :D
    Ohh, I was about to get in the car!
  • edited 8:42AM
    hehe, no gold in these....erm...hills?
  • edited 8:42AM
    Top of the morning to ye !
  • edited August 2007
    i can't get away reading that and not putting on an irish accent squap :D
  • edited 8:42AM
    guten morgen meine klein freuleins!

    sunny as a bastard here, again! the isle of wales is a beautiful place, aye it is!
  • edited 8:42AM
    oh, damn you :D
  • edited 8:42AM
    bom dia!
    sunny here :D
  • edited 8:42AM
    chris:aye it is!
    Pirate alert?!

    Or is that a bit of West country slipping in!

  • edited 8:42AM
    och, i had quite a heavy scottish islands accent on when i typed that, so i did!
  • edited 8:42AM
    Sorry my mistake

    Top of the morn' to you
  • edited 8:42AM
    Obviously that last one was with a brummie accent:happy:
  • edited 8:42AM
  • edited 8:42AM
  • edited 8:42AM
    sunny as a bastard.

    i added #today-summary:after { content: " as a bastard" } to the bbc weather widget's css file.
  • edited 8:42AM
    no, i really did do that.
  • edited 8:42AM
  • edited 8:42AM
    lol @ Chris, classic.

    sorry, can't get back on topic, not morning here...
  • edited 8:42AM
    "... scratches his ball sack and leaves the thread."


  • edited 8:42AM
    i left that in the image just for you, chicken ;)
  • edited 8:42AM
    bastid. lol =)
  • edited 8:42AM
    LOL !!!
  • edited 8:42AM

    my wife hit me in the ballz this morning cos i compared her sweater to a hobo sweater

    *limps away...
  • edited 8:42AM
    I'm starting to regret hanging out with you graphics guys and coders.. Oh, slater.. tell yer wife I want my sweater back...
  • edited 8:42AM
    god moaning!
  • edited 8:42AM
    woke up at 6am and cuddled up with susanne while she was breast feeding mia. better than a cup of coffee =)
  • edited 8:42AM
    it's quite sweet, isn't it. took me by surprise the first time though, i wasn't expecting it to be quite as watery.
  • edited 8:42AM
    g'moanin. find myself in a place with only PPC Macs, and of course just today I need to use a piece of windows software.
    Using VPC sure is painful now..:(
  • edited August 2007
    that is what you meant, right?

    (@ micky)
  • edited 8:42AM
  • edited 8:42AM
    actually no. my "better than a cup of coffee" comment was meant to be understood as:

    watching my wife breast feed my daughter in the morning is the best way to kick off the day
  • edited 8:42AM
    lol @ your widget. That would make me chuckle every day.

    If only it was sunny a bit more over here!
  • edited 8:42AM

  • edited 8:42AM
    yeah, it's going to suck when it starts saying "rain as a bastard" or something dumb.
  • edited 8:42AM
    yes. you'd need a different phrase like "dull as a twat" or something like like !
  • edited 8:42AM
    Morning Glory!
  • edited 8:42AM
    What's the story?
  • edited 8:42AM
    it's sunny, 21°C :D
  • edited 8:42AM
    middigit:it's sunny, 21°C :D
    Incorrect. The correct sentence should read, "It's sunny as a bastard, 21°C"
  • edited 8:42AM
    oh, damn, yes i omitted that hehe
  • edited 8:42AM
    anyways, off for a walk in "sunny as a bastard, 21°C" while it lasts :)
  • edited 8:42AM
    squapple:yes. you'd need a different phrase like "dull as a twat" or something like like !
    Heehee, trying to start a revolution where you say 'It's twatting it outside' for raining.

    Incidentally, it's lovely and suny. :smile:
  • edited 8:42AM
    sunny as a bastard here as well.

    Looks dull as a twat on the horizon.
  • edited 8:42AM
    did i mention it was HOT out there today too :D
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