The good morning thread



  • edited 9:01AM
    -38˚C is pretty cold innit
  • edited January 2008
    yeah, you could say that...
    Wind chills are expected in the range of –40 to –44. At wind chills below –40, exposed skin can freeze in five to 10 minutes.
    Deep freeze continues in southern Manitoba -
    The mean part about it is that it's sunny as a mofo... it almost looks nice out... till you walk up to the window... then you feel it...
  • edited 9:01AM
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 9:01AM
    nicko said...Ha ha

    Life on Mars is OK. There's a new one coming out called Ashes To Ashes which will be set in the 80s... it's more like my era so... :happy:

    I LOVE LIFE ON MARS but i am italian and prone to BIG EMOTION. ;-)

    I'll check out ASHES TO ASHES if BBC-America brings it over. :-) I Love British TV. or at least the CRIME DRAMA stuff.
  • edited 9:01AM
    A lot of British TV is terrible... there are the occasional jewels

    Italian you say
  • edited 9:01AM
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 9:01AM
    heheheh. With one quarter German...

  • edited 9:01AM
    What's the other quarter then??
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 9:01AM
    well...that would be 3/4 Italian and 1/4 german for my dear grandfather who we all adored.
  • edited 9:01AM

    Duh, I'm so dumb :awkward:
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 9:01AM
    Naw. Early morning math always stumps me ,too
    nicko said...

    Duh, I'm so dumb :awkward:

    Love that snap
  • edited 9:01AM
    Good morning, dark as a bastard
  • edited January 2008

    i liked life in on mars, aye.
  • edited 9:01AM
    fuck I'm tired.
  • edited January 2008
    Good morning fazy crew . . .

    . . . though it's still officially winter, spring must be on the way . . . was greeted this AM, as I drew back the curtains, by two foxes courting in my back garden (ahh romance isn't dead :wink: )
  • edited 9:01AM
    i forgot to say - sunny as a bastard here.
  • edited 9:01AM
    We have a snow-storm. :D
  • edited 9:01AM
    was sunny as a bastard here too - and fresh just hows weez likes its
  • edited 9:01AM
    it's 3 am, and a good day so far. :)

    i've been a little bit down, and concentrating on heavy manual labour has helped.

    my garden's almost all cleaned up after winter's stirred the heaving ground.
    carrot dug, cabbages pulled, apples pruned, dormant oil spraying done (it's nasty goop).

    i waded the pond, thinned lillies with my toes, and pulled up the retting for a vigorous pound,
    and dug three enormous hotbeds, filled with horse, rabbit and chicken poop.

    that was yesterday. today i'm gonna get busy!

    weather's been sunny; it's clouding over, and can't decide whether to rain or snow.

    oh.. and i've started refurbing my canoe (didn't do it last year.. should have).

  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 9:01AM
    Ve. thinks(LOVE the way that mick talks)
  • edited 9:01AM
    It's reet sunny as a bastard in Lolgate todau
  • edited 9:01AM
    good morning! (and afternoon)
  • edited 9:01AM
    have a nice day :D and....what day is it?

  • edited 9:01AM
    dunno, but Wales is clearly in a different time zone to England :wink:
  • edited 9:01AM
    well, it was morning somewhere, eh. and i said afternoon for everyone within the welsh timezone, too ;)
  • edited 9:01AM
    it's still morning here, so thanks.

    it's also still FRIDAY. i was hoping for some enthusiasm but never mind.
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited January 2008
    GOOD MORNING ...urm...a bit in advance.

    not worth starting a new thread...but PRIME SUSPECT...TOUCHING EVIL...WIRE IN THE BLOOD...LIFE ON MARS...all the INSPECTOR MORSE shows...

    I rest my *LOVING BRITISH CRIME DRAMA* case...!
  • edited 9:01AM
    lol ve - life on mars is cool show :)
  • edited 9:01AM

    Good morning!
  • edited 9:01AM
    Good morning fazy

    not so sunny as a bastard here

    just sunny :)
  • edited 9:01AM
    good morning :)
  • edited 9:01AM
    Foggy as a bastard.

    Good morning.
  • edited 9:01AM
    Good morning !

    Sunny as a bastard here in Kuwait !!!!

    Oh yeah, I'm in Kuwait again, just checking my emails in Starbucks.

    'Happy work' you fazyluckers :tongue:
  • edited 9:01AM
    Kuwait??? what the heck you doing there?
  • edited 9:01AM
    My dad works and lives here. Only for a couple of years. Its a very interesting place believe it or not ! Oh, and they have lots and lots of Apple stores !!!
  • edited 9:01AM
    lol, cool :)
  • edited 9:01AM
    mutters stuff about grey monday at work etc etc murmur murmur
  • edited 9:01AM
    blue monday? :D
  • edited 9:01AM
    How does it feel, to treat me like you do?
  • edited January 2008
    When i've laid my hands upon you, and told you who i am?
  • edited 9:01AM
  • edited 9:01AM
    lol :D
  • edited 9:01AM
    about 8 or 9 inches of snow here. cold. not ugly, roads are in great shape, not a bad start for a monday, or any day really.

    so good morning.
  • edited 9:01AM
    This thread is full of LIES. There's nothing good about a morning.
  • edited 9:01AM
    Revenge will be sweet... (am over it now :) )
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 9:01AM
    HAHAHAHA! Biff!

    FINALLY the mask of this *good morning* thread is RIPPED off!
  • edited 9:01AM
    there's plenty good about morning. look around. you'd rather not wake up?

    have another coffee and SMILE :D grumpy.
  • edited 9:01AM
    good morning, y'alls :)

    cloudy as a bastard!
  • edited 9:01AM
    OMFG as a bastard it's morning again
  • edited 9:01AM
    yep morning all. there's been much worse :) had an uplifting and generally happy-making talk already today, and can look forward to more, with a little work in between. coffee came out well [it doesn't always, i have consistency issues at that hour ;) ] and the commute was painless.....

    sunny as a bastid here too.
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