The good morning thread



  • edited 6:29AM
    midget, i think most of them can be answered with "turn it off, and back on again"
  • edited 6:29AM
    for anything else, use "uninstall the last thing you installed"
  • edited 6:29AM
    chris said...midget, i think most of them can be answered with "turn it off, and back on again"
  • edited 6:29AM
    good morning! dull grey, slightly windy, specks of rain, yay.
  • edited January 2008
    some items of note (marked in red)
  • edited 6:29AM
    Good morning. Visiting my sister in Jyväskylä for a week or so, and hat a week it will be!!

  • edited 6:29AM
    Dismal as a bastard

    Dismal as a bastard. Wish I lived in the far east already :awkward:
  • edited 6:29AM
    Raining as a bastard

  • edited 6:29AM
    why do i not work from home now? todays drive in was quite annoying - i need to get one of the bikes back on the road so i don't have to deal with traffic.
  • edited 6:29AM
    But you'd get wet innit
  • edited 6:29AM
    nah, i have a nice waterproof textile jacket, and the leather trousers should survive 10 minutes without letting water through. they'd get pretty fucking heavy though heh.
  • edited 6:29AM
  • edited 6:29AM
    or i guess i could get some of those waterproof over trouser things, worth the £3 they'd likely cost, i think.
  • edited 6:29AM
    "Rain drops keep falling on my head . . . "

    ". . . I'm singin' in the rain, just singin' in the rain . . . what a glorious feeling . . . "

    . . . hold-on a minute! Glorious feeling?! WTF, now I don't mind a little rain but I've had enough now!

    Oh, good morning :)
  • edited 6:29AM
    Raining as a bastard here as well :awkward:
  • edited January 2008
    yep, here too. i'm looking forward to afternoon. oh, btw..... it's that day again......

    nicko? what IS that thing? does it have teeth, and/or can it be sauteed?
  • edited 6:29AM
    Cold as a bastard...
  • edited 6:29AM
    bull Mr Blobby

    websnap: ouch
  • edited 6:29AM
    where did you find it? That is a random pic if ive ever seen one !
  • edited 6:29AM
  • edited 6:29AM
    nicko said...websnap: ouch
    Yeah, with the windchill it's -37º with winds gusting at 26 Km/h... I think just about anywhere is better than here right now...
  • edited 6:29AM
    Note the parasitic copepod on Mr Blobby's mouth.

    i thought it was drooling, or maybe just had the warm fuzzies.

    thanks nicko :)
  • edited 6:29AM
    good morning(+)!
  • edited 6:29AM
    it was my morning to get up with tomas today (i'm such a 'new man', heh), i had to go in and wake him up at 9am - cath is a little peeved, i think. haha
  • edited January 2008
    good morning, beer for breakfast and getting ready for a mardi gras parade...

    High winds and heavy rains are moving through the metro area, advance of an artic cold front.

    The National Weather Service in New Orleans has issued a wind advisory through 11 AM for the metro area, and a freeze warning is also in effect from tonight through early Sunday morning.

    Winds are blowing 25 to 30 miles an hour, with gusts up to 40 miles per hour, throughout southeast Louisiana.

    Wind speeds are expected to subside below 25 miles an hour by noon.

    The New Orleans metro area has received two to three inches of rain in the last 24 hours. Parts of the northshore have received over five inches of rain, and East Baton Rouge Parish has received over eight inches of rain in the same period.
  • edited 6:29AM
    Morning campers! Hi-de-hi as a bastard
  • edited 6:29AM
    Good morning!

    A friend of mine has disappeared. If you have seen him, could you please ask if he would come back home?
    I would describe him as a huuuge ball of lava maybe? Orange all over and is usually in the sky.

    I haven't seen him in weeks! Getting a little worried now!
  • edited 6:29AM
    No problem, son
  • edited 6:29AM
    i think he's hanging around here, juss. at least, he showed up this morning, don't know how long he plans to stay.

    i'm out of coffee, my work hours are cut back, and no one so far has seen my incredible value as an employee. not a good thing.

    however, i'm not entirely alone, and have some hope that there is gainful employment just around the corner. good morning? i'm on the preferred side of the grass, so not as bad as it could be by a long way.
  • edited 6:29AM
    good, erm..... afternoon in the good morning thread. As a bastard !
  • edited 6:29AM
    Morning, sunny as a bastards bastard
  • edited 6:29AM
    ohhh it's so cold and clear out. the moon has blinded me.

    i just went swimming. my hair froze when i got out of the water; i didn't stay in long; the tide's wrong for just swimming against the push of the sea. the bonfire was very welcome, as were the oysters i left on the coals.

    the sun's been out for a couple of days; i gardened with my toes in the lily pond yesterday. today i'll finish pruning the apple trees.

    it's almost 4:30 in the morning, and i swear there's a hint of dawn in the east.

  • edited 6:29AM
    where in the world are you mick?
  • edited 6:29AM
    49.5389 | -124.8176
  • edited January 2008
    ffs :happy:
  • edited 6:29AM
    Fanny Bay? are you sure? :happy:

    See, I'm not too fazy to go have a look
  • edited 6:29AM
    i'm sure. i read the signs.
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 6:29AM

    Now I am NOT KIDDING! mick IS a poet!!!!

    Very very nice, mick.

    (bow down, you mortals in here)
  • edited 6:29AM
    i have a poetic life, Veedot.

    thank you. :)

    nicko, Fanny Bay is the name of the bay. i live on Denman Island.

    we have a lot of fanny's around here. it's common.

  • edited 6:29AM
    lol mick


  • edited 6:29AM
    HE's BACK!!!!
  • edited 6:29AM
    who who?
  • edited 6:29AM
    jussi-k said...A friend of mine has disappeared. If you have seen him, could you please ask if he would come back home?
    I would describe him as a huuuge ball of lava maybe? Orange all over and is usually in the sky.

    I haven't seen him in weeks! Getting a little worried now!
  • edited 6:29AM
    Your son is back... oh that's great news
  • edited 6:29AM
    Still recovering from 5-1 defeat to Spurs :(
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 6:29AM
    nicko mick


    Oh sweet geezus,nicko...must you shout before I've had me coffee? ;-)

    Good morning all! I'd tell you that it is SUNNY here in NYC ,but I don't want you to feel badly there in the grey areas. ;-)

    by the way...Anybody like the show LIFE ON MARS (British crime drama)?
  • edited 6:29AM
    Ha ha

    Life on Mars is OK. There's a new one coming out called Ashes To Ashes which will be set in the 80s... it's more like my era so... :happy:

  • edited 6:29AM
    meska said...Still recovering from 5-1 defeat to Spurs :(
    Meska, sucks dunnit? :awkward:
  • edited 6:29AM
    The first time we've lost to them in 9 years or something. We couldn't have lost 2-1, ohhhh no - go the whole hog :'(
  • edited 6:29AM
    Fucking hell, it's -38° C with the windchill. Two people have died this week from the cold. next month's trip to cuba can't come soon enough...
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