The good morning thread



  • edited 8:53AM
    morning - cloudy as a bastard here
  • edited January 2008
    chris said...morning!

    how much was that battery, peak?
    A bit expensive really, walked into the local apple store on whim and they had some in stock (much to my surprise) . . .
  • edited 8:53AM
    it will be sunny again today. the windstorms move through.. wild and wooly treetossing winds that playfully change direction, then.. calm and clear. it's warmer than it should be when it's clear skies above, 10-12 (50-55F) but i'll not complain.

    days are longer; i've brought my cactuses out of their hibernation. i've planted out garlic and onion sets, and have the pea beds ready to seed.

    (it wasn't your bum?!?!.. my long distance virtual ears deceived me )

    :) btw, the earthquake last week did no damage other than the hole i bit in my tongue.

  • edited 8:53AM
    Morning... it's still night time as a bastard
  • edited 8:53AM
    lol nicko - hope you have a nap at work!

    good morning, one and all!

    bbc: light rain as a bastard
    reality: heavy rain and gale force winds as a bastard
  • edited 8:53AM
    chris said...l
    bbc: light rain as a bastard
    reality: heavy rain and gale force winds as a bastard
  • edited 8:53AM
    Morning - f*cked up as a bastard here after eating what looked like Chicken, but certainly wasn't after i wolfed it down, post Arsenal match last night.
  • edited 8:53AM
    was it turkey?
  • edited 8:53AM
    actually, it's pretty fucking weird that you ate something that wasn't chicken and it didn't taste of chicken. in my experience, most things taste of chicken.
  • edited 8:53AM
    No i think it was Rat.
  • edited 8:53AM
    Good Morning folks :) windy as a bastard again
  • edited 8:53AM
    Good moaning. Monsoon rain as a bastard
  • edited 8:53AM

    good morning :)
  • edited 8:53AM
    Are you in teh General Lee? :happy:
  • edited 8:53AM
    good morning. got to work and had an argument with my boss.
  • edited 8:53AM
    arguments... best way to start the day...

    ~ makes coffeh for chicken and chris
  • edited January 2008
    i got into work and had an email from a tenant (which has nothing to do with work, btw) and i lol'd
  • edited 8:53AM
    what was it about? and why did you lol. Oh, and happy friday !!!!
  • edited 8:53AM
    because they make out like something is such a chore and they have done their utmost to arrange it for me, when it's actually a legal requirement. they are basically cunts.
  • edited 8:53AM
    fazy bastids ! I know what you mean.
  • edited 8:53AM
    i lol'd because my correspondence has been ever so polite, and laying groundwork for eviction, whereas theirs is becoming quite ragged now :)
  • edited 8:53AM
    tossers. I hate it when people who are in the wrong act like that.
  • edited 8:53AM
    bastardly rain here too. boss is out for the day, which eliminates one opportunity for argument - a definite plus.

    and of course it's friday, but that's another thread.

    mystery meat meals late at night... erm...ugh.

    sometimes it's good morning, sometimes just morning.
  • edited 8:53AM
    happy friday, mr. bull!
  • edited 8:53AM
    heh you too, mr sock sir. and a fine friday to the whole sock family :)
  • edited 8:53AM
    Good morning - happy sunny Saturday (if there's anyone around).
  • edited 8:53AM
    good morning!

    sunny as the proverbial bastard, here!
  • edited 8:53AM
    actually, having just checked the bbc weather widget, it says it's raining heavily. i'm not saying a word...
  • edited 8:53AM
    Yes, I spoke too soon also - the clouds are moving in it seems :(

    Oh no, a ray of sunshine just hit the house opposite . . .

    There's hope yet
  • edited 8:53AM
    bad morning.

    Head hurts, stomach hurts, I'm dead tired.

    And I did not even drink alcohol last night.
  • edited 8:53AM
    jussi-k said...

    And I did not even drink alcohol last night.
    Well, there's your problem right there, you should have had that much booze you missed the whole day :happy:

    Joking a side. Hope you're feelin' better soon
  • edited 8:53AM

    I am going to have a shot right away! Should help.
  • edited 8:53AM
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 8:53AM
    'morning, chris. :-)
  • edited 8:53AM
    good morning :) heavy showers today, apparently - who am i to question it, having driven through a particularly heavy one on the way in to th office...
  • edited 8:53AM
    morning, no sleep as a bastard :awkward:
  • edited 8:53AM
    oh sucks. i had 7 hours, need more :(
  • edited 8:53AM
    6 hours here. Always need more !!

    Cold as a bastid and no heating for 2 days in work. They provided heaters but there are no extra wall sockets. We decided to use extensions but the trip the power in the whole building. Fookin great !
  • edited 8:53AM
    morning ~ sips coffee

    need more space in my brain today, need to do more revision - help :nausea:
  • edited January 2008
    snow, up to a foot by late afternoon. still contemplating the commute - doesn't make any sense to get in the way of the plows and sanders, keep them from clearing as it comes down. guess i'll have to get out and see how it looks at least.

    plenty of sleep - wish i didn't have to waste it on shoveling :)

    wasn't terrible. there was that one proof that HAD to get out to the client.... otherwise, looks like turn around and have coffee by the fireplace for me... nothing else happening...
  • edited 8:53AM
    Shit weekend. Ill with flu - horrible stranglehold sore throat. In work all pilled up.

    Hi btw :)
  • edited 8:53AM
    heavy rain as a bastard

    whatta surprise.
  • edited 8:53AM
    same. morning btw
  • edited 8:53AM

    Grey, showers . . . my feet are cold!
  • edited 8:53AM
    one of these days, i'm going to wake up and it's going to be sunny. for now, i guess i'll have to live with the torrential rain, darkness and associated shite.

    morning :x
  • edited 8:53AM
  • edited 8:53AM
  • edited January 2008
    Grey as a dead bastard here

    Good morning anyway !
  • edited 8:53AM
    morning - hey, what a way to start your morning, 130 DST exam questions :D

    ....admittedly i've got to 55 and i'm having a breather :)
  • edited 8:53AM
    bright sun here, and all is covered with ice/snow. it's beautiful, really...
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