The good morning thread



  • edited 6:58AM
    dull here too. happy, well adjusted, but dull. probably twat later.
  • edited 6:58AM
    haha :D

    man, that coffee was hot as it exited through my nostrils...
  • edited 6:58AM
    lol @ bull and chris!
  • edited 6:58AM
    Maaaawwwwwning !

    Dull as a " " here :awkward:
  • edited 6:58AM
    sunny intervals as a bastard here!

    see, i knew it would need to be a little more intelligent...
  • edited 6:58AM
    sunny as a bastard here, almost total blue sky
  • edited 6:58AM
    there are no clouds here atm either, but the bbc weather says different.
  • edited 6:58AM
    nothing will ever beat "sunny as a bastard" !!!
  • edited August 2007
    FYI - the bbc have deemed it necessary to edit their current weather report to be factual! *shock!*

    it is now, as it should be, SUNNY AS A BASTARD!

  • edited 6:58AM
    happy 420
  • edited 6:58AM
    GREY as a grey place!

  • edited 6:58AM
    Fantastic, chris !
  • edited 6:58AM
    boiling out there - no wind to spoil a great day - just got back from a nice walk :)
  • edited 6:58AM
    I hope its SUNNY AS A BASTARD tomorrow for Creamfields!
  • edited 6:58AM
    very dull here again this morning. ahem.
  • edited 6:58AM
    we have had 17 days with no rain this summer. today will make it 18. it's all good.

    fall is coming. 5 am, and it's dark dark dark. the ocean was like glass. i have sand between my toes.

    and black coffee.

  • edited 6:58AM
    oh, photos from my walk earlier :)
  • edited 6:58AM
    mick: i have sand between my toes.

    and black coffee.

    You have black coffee between your toes - weirdo!

  • edited 6:58AM
    And what I meant to say earlier was:

    Grey as a Pope
  • edited 6:58AM
    funny that mondays don't get a lot of good morning posts.

    havin a fine time myself, happy fukkin monday all.

    oh, it's sunny as a bastid here too.
  • edited 6:58AM
    Die in a sea of fire.
  • edited 6:58AM
    It's a bank holiday, so hopefully people are givin' themselves a day of - that is except me :(

    Afternoon bull, now sod off and get some work done or holidaying or something . . . .
  • edited 6:58AM
  • edited 6:58AM
    heh. i am working. you think it's easy to come up with stuff to post on a beautiful monday morning? i'd rather be doing other things, let me tell you!

    i'm happy. so sue me :D
  • edited 6:58AM
    slater:Die in a sea of fire.
  • edited 6:58AM
    cor, what a pair of happy bastards.
  • edited 6:58AM
    right. won't bother wasting it on you all then.

    there aren't any clouds here today.
  • edited 6:58AM



    there have been 19 days without rain this summer. this will not be the twentieth day.

    but.... it's still hot enough outside during the day to shower under the drainspout; i LIKE rainbows in my shower water.

  • edited 6:58AM
    sunny as a bastard

    good morning!
  • edited 6:58AM
    ~late to the party

  • edited 6:58AM
    sunny(er) here :)
  • edited 6:58AM
    Not bad here, but it's getting better soon. That's a good thing too since I'm leaving the office at lunch to play footie for an hour...
  • edited 6:58AM

  • edited 6:58AM
    i rode my bicycle to pick my motorbike up this morning. fuckin' knackered me it did.
  • edited 6:58AM
    i need to start doing more exercise.
  • edited 6:58AM
    Hey, look. Howard's being eaten.

  • edited 6:58AM
    not so great today, eh...

    took fooking ages to get into work today too, in the car. i hate cars.
  • edited 6:58AM
    i had no trouble at all here, and i really like my car. don't know where the traffic was, but it wasn't near me.

    i do wish i hadn't been driving it to work, but you can't have everything.
  • edited 6:58AM
    i definitely need to start working from home (for the winter, eugh)
  • edited 6:58AM
    I work at home :)

    otherwise I ride my bike for fun or as an excuse to go to some shop at 20Km :))
    The other day I had to drive my parents car to get them from the airport and I got rush hour, and I fell the pain most people feel everyday. Man I love not having to drive everyday!

    BTW, sunny as bacon™ here today! 30° C :happy:
  • edited 6:58AM
    good morning :)
  • edited October 2007
    Time to start wearing long undies my friends!
    In all honesty, there is not a cloud i the sky right now.

    Oh, good mornig all!

    I would ride a bike to work, if I had one.. ..I do have a bike, but no work. No, I am not looking for work.
  • edited 6:58AM
    that is pretty nippy, jussi
  • edited 6:58AM
    It'll go all the way down to -25 in a couple of months.
  • edited 6:58AM
    wheeee! (although, it is a monday...)
  • edited 6:58AM
    ~yawn... when is it Friday again...
  • edited 6:58AM
    yes, wheee. good morning all, who cares what day it is? not a bad start if you ask me. a meeting went well this morning, not much traffic, sun is out, coffee is hot and tasty.... why not?
  • edited 6:58AM
    I've missed the morning with you guys but so, a good afternoon instead!

    Autumn sunshine outside, I might have to take a stroll later, once I've got a few things sorted!
  • edited 6:58AM
    hello. fucking bike wouldn't start this morning... it had better fire up on the button when i get home, or else.
  • edited 6:58AM
    other than that, sunny as a bastard, and a bit "fresh" :D
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