Why baseboard died

edited April 2007 in conversations


  • edited 1:08AM
    dude, there are some great members on baseboard, it's great to be around them all and be part of it :)

    (i'm sure they'll start registering here soon, too)
  • edited 1:08AM
    + you big gayo!
  • edited May 2007
  • edited 1:08AM
    rub some dirt on it and get back in there your big pussy! :p

    seriously, i'm honored to have been a part of bb and to have met (not literally) so many great people. it was a great place for me to come and hang out with talented people from all walks of life. thanks base. :)

    now...on to ruining sock's life. :D
  • edited April 2007
    I'm sympathetic to you never the less. I respect the fuck out of you man. Although I was only introduced to the 'board in 2005, it was people like you, your work especially (amongst others) which enlightened me and made it an addiction to hang aroung with talented designers and learn so much. I have. I've learnt a shit load from that place, and been inspired especially. So much to the point that my life has been booming since 2005, so much that I am generally too busy to post much ! No shit. And Ive was suffering from a bad lung disease from May 2005. I couldnt go to work, thought I had cancer and all that shit. But I posted and read. For months until fit to work again. And last week my self and a photographer have started a Ltd agency !!! Not all down to yourself Base :wink: but a HUGE influence along with several others (you know who you are!).

    My respects go out to everyone from BB, and everyone here.

    Peace Out
  • edited 1:08AM
    Respects..... !
  • edited 1:08AM
    from my admittedly brief calculations, i think that squapple owes you some money, b!
  • edited 1:08AM
    Hehe !

    ~sneaks away
  • zefzef
    edited 1:08AM
    Base:...i'll just be around to poke you to make myself feel better from time to time.
    Good idea, take it easy lad!
  • edited 1:08AM
    Sonico FTW!
  • edited 1:08AM
    Dude... BB isn't a failure.... 'closing' doesn't mean it failed. I just mean it's time came. And, as you put it, it died. It's the cycle of life... BB lived. And through it's life, it influenced every god damn mother fucker in this joint! For real... that's the goal BB had, and it was a success. So, screw you base, I say BB was a fucking success story.

    Plus, it got me laid and money... how the fuck can I complain about that! :happy:

    Oh, I did learn some cool stuff, too...
  • edited 1:08AM
    BB was great in its many incarnations. It was the first regular bbs for me and was a constant source of help and information. It was a shame to see it go but all good things come to an end.

    Sorry to hear about the crappy life stuff. The Black Dog is a real bummer.

    Anyway, glad to see you're alive and still kicking. See you around.
  • edited 1:08AM
    Baseboard's dead?
  • edited 1:08AM
    I loved BB, for some reason I just clicked so immediately with all of you. But as my real life got more busy, more complicated, I had less time to spend there - I know I often disappeared for months at a time. But I thought of all the regulars when I wasn't posting and was always so glad it was there to return to when I needed or wanted it. It was cozy and comforting. I think it was a great success. Am I sad it died? yes. Am I coming to like FL more each day? yes. So whatever incarnation, BB lives on via its core members. Besides we designers need change - shake us out of our ruts and what not.

    **hugs** I've known and do know those who suffer from tremendous depression - it's like walking through life shackled.
  • edited 1:08AM
    Baseboard a failure? I can show you some other sites that could be considered a failure...but certainly not baseboard.

    Man, I remember your site before you even had a board there. Was too new to the internet to be posting, so I didn't...but I did join when the place started getting its own home.

    It's tough to run a community. It's even tougher, when you perceive the place as stagnant, or a failure. The urge to give up, and just close down is high, particularly when the place doesn't live up to your expectations or aspirations. If the word 'failure' isn't a misnomer, then I'd use the term very, very lightly. Frankly, I liked baseboard, just have my hands full with so many other sites and projects, that I just couldn't visit.

    Anyway base, hope things get better for you. As long as this community can still exist in some form (thanks, sock, for this place), I'm good.

    Much respect and thanks for those behind baseboard...you guys did something enormous.
  • edited 1:08AM
    Can't explain why I was drawn to baseboard, but I place my bets on hunting for a custom profile description!

    Thanks man!
  • edited April 2007
    base, I recently had a very bad panic attack and lost a freelance job because of it and am now seeing a shrink so I think I know what you're talking about.
    base:bb didn't go down gracefully, it wheezed coughed and spluttered a lot until it drew it's final breath, and now it just sits there, for everybody to gawk at, and poke with sticks.
    I think you're being just a bit too harsh there, mate :smile: That's not the way I see it at all. baseboard is still alive... just under a different name now.
    base:And now we arrive at fazylukers, and I have a back seat here, I wont be responsible for this place or the community, i'll just be around to poke you to make myself feel better from time to time.
    I've already felt your poke in iChat. I'm still very sure that Transformers is going to suck.. and it isn't a possibility :happy:
    base:I don't know why I'm posting this, I'm certainly not looking forward to the replies, even if I could bring myself to read them I'm sure I don't want sympathy or condolences. I just need to remind myself that although in the end, bb failed, not everything we did and achieved there was a failure.
    baseboard didn't fail. I got to know many interesting people there and managed to form some friendships. You being one of them.

    Don't be too hard on yourself or paint everything too black :smile:
  • edited 1:08AM
    oh yeah, everyone seems to picking up on you saying it was a failure... i think i missed that bit ;) well, it's far from a failure, and i think of this place as a "baseboard version two twelfty-three", just like baseboard v1 was actually sonico, right? :D
  • edited 1:08AM
    Hey base,

    Well I tripped across b'board in, wow, I just had to go back there and check - it was 20-07-2004! Didn't quite release it was three years ago - oh such a virgin by comparison with the rest of you! Anyhow, a little like LaFemme' I'm not sure I can remember what it was that had me sign-up and then keep dropping by but I did and I'm sad to see it go but at the same time, after having not been around much recently, have been droppin' by here more and more - and the people are still the same. I'm signed up on another board, which revolves around my main job/career/passion and it lacks a soul, has no community, which is what perversely I found here.

    I've met some cool people here (obviously virtually), who, even when occasionally having a pop at each other over an opinion in a post, still by and large appear not to judge or mock those around them.

    Ah, I can even remember getting a hello PM from Mick when I first joined (heart flutters :) ) - go on tell me you all did and ruin it! . . . then, as a complete stranger, found myself being trusted by a baser in the US with their server log-in details (you know who you are), whilst I got the chance to help fix a php issue . . . and there's more . . . so Base didn't fail or die, it's hopefully just evolved (unlike all of us ;) ) . . .

    I think it's cool you've expressed and explained yourself in the way you have, there's not a judge sat in this corner of the room, 'tis an honour to have read it and now, well as NIM so wisely said:

    "Rub some dirt on it and get back in there you big pussy!" :p

    Take care, good luck in all you do . . .
  • ihcihc
    edited 1:08AM
    ~still working on the BBv6 plugins

    can they come here?
  • edited April 2007
    being part of an internet community is one thing, being part of the community where you live is another. not that there was anything wrong with BB, you've taken a step in the right direction.

    that said, thanks for the memories! :smile:

    (and all the votes from you fazyluckers on that Tshirt contest THREE FREAKING years ago! I still have the G4 and use it daily.)
  • edited 1:08AM
    Gaaah, you killed it totally! No... I was far too busy with my real life and should've been more active, and as stated before, BB came to the end of it's path... And here's the new party-place! Teehee, anyone, remember Sonico?

    BTW: something I'd be very grateful in seeing, a compilation of BB Ps Tips, and why not the tech ones too:) There's a plenty of good tuts in there, and good memories.

    Let's make fazyluckers a good place that's here to stay you lazy f***** BEEP BEEP BEEP...

    Enjoy your comfy seat, Boss:)
  • edited April 2007
    Baseboard pushed me to be a better artist, for sure. I learned more from playing ps.tennis against you guys than almost anything I can think of.
  • edited 1:08AM
    I'm still a PST virgin !
  • edited 1:08AM
    me too squapple. i'm saving myself for that "special someone". :p
  • edited 1:08AM
    I have done 'IT' once. Or twice possibly.
  • edited 1:08AM
    kill it like you did @ the basement? NO way!!!

    it's all been said so i'll join everyone...

    oh, and RESPECT for doing what you did...
  • edited 1:08AM
    nimmot:me too squapple. i'm saving myself for that "special someone". :p
    Real doll?
  • edited 1:08AM
    You know, I still call this Base board when I talk about it to my non-line friends. that site influenced me so much. I see I'm not alone.

    Thanks for all your hard work.
  • edited 1:08AM
    seriously Nimm? I would have thought you were well up in the rankings on the PST leaderboard.

    Who knows, we may even pop our cherry at some point :wink:
  • edited 1:08AM
    yeah. i just could never find the time to devote to it and don't feel its fair to anyone else to have a match drag out over multiple months. who knows, maybe i'll throw caution to the wind and dive right in someday...maybe. ;)
  • edited 1:08AM
    Man, your in exactly the same boat as me. Sounds like the perfect match (PST I mean !!!)

    Well, when you feel that your..... u know.... ready, u go first :happy:
  • edited April 2007
    "...and don't feel its fair to anyone else to have a match drag out over multiple months..."

    wait. that isn't the way it's meant to be done? oh...
  • edited 1:08AM
    No, it's not months, but years...
  • edited 1:08AM
    thank you base + baseboard admins + baseboard members, without baseboard i'd have never ...

    - known that there are many many ppl out there who are much more weird than me ;)
    - "meet" all those nice, cool, great, crazy, sexy, kinky people on the forums and in baseboard chat
    - spend so much time being online :)
    - learned the difference betwen proof and prove (and i still don't know when to use which of both)
    - learned that much about mac hardware and software (i was a bloody newbie when i nav'd to sonico the first time)
    - learned about all those strange things christo and nimmot (the sick latex sisters) were posting there (bzw. is chicken their successor?)
    - hugged raz(oll)

    let's find out what great things fazyluckers is holding for me

    good night!

    (base, maybe you can ask sock for a mark-all-read-button/-link? thank you! *g*)
  • QQ
    edited 1:08AM
    michael:thank you base + baseboard admins + baseboard members, without baseboard i'd have never ...

    - known that there are many many ppl out there who are much more weird than me ;)

    yeah right..like who? :P
  • edited 1:08AM
    bb wasn't a failure at all, I came when it was nav.to, looking to gobble up anything I could. I left with the inspiration to become a graphic artist and photographer. Happy to say I'm off to art school next year.
  • edited 1:08AM
    Baseboard will always be in my heart! Even tho I don't speak much its been my home for many years.
    (hopefully a few peeps have noticed me!)
    Thank you base!

    Don't feel down base look at this wonderful community you gave birth to!

    Hope things get better for you!


  • edited 1:08AM
    baseboard was fun, I liked it. but its time was done and now we have this place.

    its funny dk just closed down as well. heh.
  • edited 1:08AM
    I never understood the thing with DK. :D
  • edited 1:08AM
    I used to love tuning into PStennis matches durring class and would anticipate the progress from day to day. If anything, I regret not being more active in BB as many of you were. Actually, I almost started a club in my design school based around the community of BB and most of the calibration aspects on BB. Sorry to hear of your troubles Base, but the Board was where it was at; I'll never forget it. Thanks for everything :happy:
  • edited April 2007
    echoes:its funny dk just closed down as well. heh.
    i'm expecting him to open up a vanilla forum soon...
  • edited 1:08AM
    word is, something new/different is in the works. hehe...
  • edited 1:08AM
    i, for one, am completely shocked.
  • edited 1:08AM
    DK ?
  • edited April 2007
    dunno, i guess this is as a good time as any.

    James im sorry for being so difficult over the years, i've taken a few personal shots that are out of line. Prolly worse because i had privilaged info that wasnt known jsut inside the board, and made lots of inside jabs. So i'll apologize now. it's been awhile so its time to bury things. However, with that said, i didnt realize how long this community has lasted until Chris popped out a kid and realized its been the better part of the decade (cant believe i've known you ass holes for so long :smile: ).

    When you made baseboard it was because the mac underground had no were to go. pope, macdeath, then neverness, warezbbs (where i met a lot of you older ass holes :smile: ) were disappearing or dead or hunted like dogs. There was nowhere left for anybody to go to for... (you know what)... and just make support. No body did anything... but you did. atleast you spearheaded it. BB was just supposed to be a place to STW... but look at what it became? what it was intended to replace, it surpassed!!!

    Howthedevil and franco would not be together if it wasnt for you. at the very least two people's live we know for a fact have completely changed because of your ass, and changed for the better! you offered a platform where a lot of sites liek Apple X or even Icebox grew from. you offered a stage and a home and a meeting place for all of us here and many who have left. And althought we havent been buddies, chat or.. hell even refrain from btiching at each other in the same chat room for the last few years. The selfless James i knew, would've atleast found success in the happiness of others.

    Now look at what you have created. new faces and new members who have now become old members, who all have helped the dream and vision that you offered and ALLOWED IT TO GROW INTO SOMETHING BETTER.

    as of right now if we're gonna do the momorial... its been about 8 years.... i think if you think of all the lives that changed over the years and how much has been accomplsihed, i wouldnt see it as failure. I'd see a LEGACY.

    You started it and in the end you were the heart of it.

    It didnt die... and ...sigh.. i think in hind sight you didnt fail it.... nor abandon it. BB was supposed to be a team effort. If fault falls it should fall on all of us.. here... for not keeping it alive. Because when you made BB it wasnt for you.. you did it for everybody else... and now.. at the end... we the people you created it for should carry the blame... not you... as we should all ask what we could've done to make it better.

    there.. thats the nicest thing i've said to you in like 5 years lol ... now fuck off. lol

    ok.. i feel weird now... like i touched your bum... and liked it. Dirty.. but good.
  • edited 1:08AM
    Dacheap Knockoff
  • edited 1:08AM
    skribe means digikitten that ripped off baseboard...
  • edited 1:08AM
    Wow, NC. Yeah.
  • edited 1:08AM
    Well said NC, couldn't have put it better.
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