Why baseboard died



  • edited 3:20AM
    whats digikitten?
  • ihcihc
    edited 3:20AM
    it was time to move on - NC sprouted pubes
  • edited April 2007
    you are all big pussies.
  • edited 3:20AM
    wow, nc must be about 16 by now, right? :D
  • edited April 2007
    and you know, i don't think baseboard has even gone away, let alone died. that's a bit of a depressing way of looking at things to start with.
    “And that's what I've done. Maintained it for 20 years. This old brooms had 17 new heads and 14 new handles in its time.
  • edited 3:20AM
    chris:and you know, i don't think baseboard has even gone away, let alone died. that's a bit of a depressing way of looking at things to start with.
    “And that's what I've done. Maintained it for 20 years. This old brooms had 17 new heads and 14 new handles in its time.
    that was one of my favourite Only Fools & Horses episodes. Trigger is a right plonker :smile:
  • edited 3:20AM
    I know you didn't want the sympathy vote base but i'm sorry to read about all that, unfortunately shit happens - and hell i know about shit, and i can't work with assholes either. bb was a good thing, but things change no worries dude :)
  • edited 3:20AM
    Ah. I'm with u now! I never spent any time on DK thank fortunately
  • edited 3:20AM
    DigiK shouldve sent BB royalty cheques.
  • edited April 2007
    Base. (James) I have just finished reading your post and I must say I am completely touched. I honestly never knew this about you. Maybe because I havent been around much these last few years or maybe because I am ignorant, but let me just say that I want to thank you for telling your story as well as to let you know that I understand everything you have been through as I myself have been wrestling for many years with exactly the same problems and co-incidentally the exact same results and it hasnt been easy for me either.

    As some of you may remember back in 2002 I went through a bad breakup with my then long term girlfriend 'MrsChuffy' with the result that in my hour of need and lonliness I turned to the people I had met relatively recently on BB and received the kind of support and friendship there and the KDX chat back then that (and I'm not exaggerating here) helped get me through the lonely times and the misery of that chapter of my life. Every evening I would log on to BB chat and find friends online that I didnt have in the real world. I found much solace in the fact that there were people I knew and liked in my living room every night albeit in virtual form. It was a long dark winter that year but thanks to you and your board I made it through and I want to say a sincere thank you for that. Baseboard really helped save my skin during some tough times for me.

    The girl who finally cured me of that traumatic breakup has until recently been my girlfriend for the last 4 years, she is part of the reason I found less and less time to frequent BB and post. Once you start staying away things change and move on its harder to get back into the swing of things. The thing that most struck me about your message above was that I too have suffered from exactly the same problems you describe and I am struck by the fact that someone I knew only as Base did too throughout the whole time I was here. Needless to say I was surprised but now I also cant help feel a certain kindredness in this. (I hope you dont mind) I just want to say that I absolutely understand your need to take a back seat. I wont try and bolster you with platitudes as I know how pointless that is but I will say that you are not the only one who is battling with the demon neurotransmitters.

    As of last friday my relationship with the person above broke down. Largely due to my battle with depression and stress related anxiety. In fact almost every step of the way, all the things that went wrong for us could be attributed at least partially to this terrible affliction that some of us live with every day. And now I find myself back here at 1.30am reading your requiem to a once great Board that I for one spent many an hour enjoying. Thats why I have to say your words struck a chord in me and I just want to let you know that its thanks to communities like BB and now here at FazyLuckers that together we can help make each others lives that bit more bearable.

    Thank you Base for all your work and thank you Baseboard for being there when I needed you.

    Kind regards

  • edited 3:20AM
    Hi everyone!

    I had to join in when fuzi told me the news... Macman is my lord and savior. Member that one? It went bye bye too! Loved being part o it all. I will pop in from time to time to make sure Christo does... what he does.
  • edited 3:20AM
    Hey PT! :happy:
  • edited April 2007
    Welcome back PT!

    ~and gives Chuffy a hug
  • edited 3:20AM
    Is it me, or do a fair amount of us suffer from some sort of mild anxiety and/or depression here?

    I've had my own personal ups and downs, and made some of the public on BB many a time... in the last year, I've been going to therapy as a result of my emotions and anxiety taking control of my day to day. It's still no better, but, at least I have some outlet... seems like BB was that for many of us... kind of cool, like our own little online support group.

    ... just thinking out loud.
  • edited 3:20AM
    if you mean "bunch of pussies", then yes, i agree with you.

  • edited 3:20AM
    Flash Soldier:Is it me, or do a fair amount of us suffer from some sort of mild anxiety and/or depression here?

    I've had my own personal ups and downs, and made some of the public on BB many a time... in the last year, I've been going to therapy as a result of my emotions and anxiety taking control of my day to day. It's still no better, but, at least I have some outlet... seems like BB was that for many of us... kind of cool, like our own little online support group.

    ... just thinking out loud.
    I'm with you, brutha. although bb was more of a "I'm high on cocaine and now's a good time to post vile shit which I will regret having posted the next day"-Forum for me... for many years. I'm still scratching my head as to why base, sock and skribe made me jump on board as an admin. I do still feel ashamed of a lot of crap that I got up to there while being an admin.
  • edited 3:20AM
    Have to say, when shit really gets me down, all i need is to have a chat with Dr Sock, and he just tells me to shut the f*ck up.

    Works wonders!
  • edited 3:20AM
    Flash Soldier:Is it me, or do a fair amount of us suffer from some sort of mild anxiety and/or depression here?
    I suspect that a large proportion here and within our culture suffer a variety of mental effects as a direct result of our time which is riddled with big problems such as an uncertain future, a lack of or exceedingly difficult to locate truth with which to build meaning, etc.

    And as I haven't posted in this thread yet - it is somewhat impossible to measure the effect baseboard had on me in its entirety but as NC pointed out, it changed my life in massive ways. Locality and love aside, artistically I've been influenced by a number of you talented feckers, I've learned a great deal from your continued generous support and the notion and belief of 'sharing the wealth' will live on in the things I do. baseboard is far from dead - as others have pointed out, this is simply the next phase of it.
  • edited April 2007
    meska:Have to say, when shit really gets me down, all i need is to have a chat with Dr Sock, and he just tells me to shut the f*ck up.

    Works wonders!
    yeah. it does work wonders :smile:
  • edited 3:20AM
    lol @ Mesk and Chicken.

    Feeling u both (..not that way!)
  • edited 3:20AM
    chris:if you mean "bunch of pussies", then yes, i agree with you.

    ya wanker! <3
  • edited 3:20AM
    hi flak! hi mesk! hi everyone else... so its like a big family hug now! Base rocks! now on with the catch up...
  • edited April 2007
    ~runs in for a a group hug, naked, drenched in ketchup~

    PT...is that you? :D
  • edited 3:20AM
    holy schnikees! PT, where ya been man!
  • edited 3:20AM
    i don't often do it any more but there's a famous piece of poetry in ecclesiastes that explains the way i feel about stuff like this.

    Basically - baseboard was a roaring success and, like all things, has come to an end to make way for something else (gogo fazyluckers)

    Thanks for all the time and effort you put into into base, i hope you enjoy what comes next.
  • edited 3:20AM
    yep its me... i been busy! complete life changes take a lot outta me. nice to see al the familiar faces.
  • edited 3:20AM
    heya phatty :)
  • edited April 2007
    it's great remembering the old days, back when there was a very small community in that small textboard on n.t/s (i think that must have been in late 1999, right?) I think i got there by a link on shoe's old site (under a different name, that is).
    and, even better, the green board that followed, with that rotating ying-yang in the logo. I'd rather it had continued the way it was back then.
    you know, I'm someone who likes the good things unchanged. (ironically, everything in my little world hast changed a lot more than i could cope with)
    i was, as some may still remember, as there were some witnesses in that chatroom, banned by a member of staff some years ago (i think it must have been in late 2003 or early 2004, i can't recall exactly), for no reason whatsoever and it kind of made me sick to leave that flourishing community, after so many ups and downs, anfter playing my roll in the whole thing and getting to know so many new "virtual friends".
    when i heard that you all were moving to this new place, i thought i might rejoin and be part of this great lot again.

    i hope thats OK with you all,

    i like it seeing this, what base started, rolling on-and-on, making people more creative, unleashing talents and bringing people together.

    talking about bringing people together. I do hope you tolerate me being back here and I would like to thank you in advance if you do so!

  • edited 3:20AM
    hi remo :)

    ok, who keeps making this a sticky? what for?
  • edited 3:20AM
    I wonder what happened to Cathy Bright Star...
  • edited April 2007
    I posted this on the old DNS and I thought it was a great way of saying what is bothering me, so I am trying to get it right here too (even tho I am totally drunk).

    I have got similiar problems. I am obsessed with "work". With being the best. It all is related to me wanting to be liked. A need to be accepted everywhere. I try to archieve this by helping people for free. To doing what is expected. I try to get as good a s possible by doing 3D and music videos and animation because I feel that by being the best, I get acceptance.

    It is only recently that I found out that by being the best. I am making myself unpopular. This is something I did not expect.
    On my class at school. I was always the best. Even if I did not try. This made everyone else EXTREMELY jealous and that came to me as a surprise.

    Ok, I am now off school now and I meet other people. I still feel the urge to create a project that I can do with them just to be with them. I just can not believe that somebody would find me interesting if it werent for the expertise and knowledge I can provide.
    I find it very hard to meet people for no reason! And that is not too good.

    At the moment. I am trying to learn to just chill. Just hang out with people. I really try not to bring up my career as a music video director. As a 3D artist for computer games. I try to get real friends. Real real friends that can be with me even without a project. I am very bad at that. Because my self esteem is very low. It really is.

    If you would meet me in real life. I would be this balanced kid. Very brave, very loud. Very wise. But when I really start to think of things. Really deeply. I find that I am very lonely. For example, I have never had a girlfriend. I always thought that one would come around when I just get famous. Ok. I have now been on finnish television. I appear on numerous music videos on finnish MTV. I have also been as a guest on famous radio shows.

    No change. I still have the same life as I had when I was a nobody.

    I am by no means an unhappy person! I am very pleased with my life. I have just learned a valuable lesson. What you are is more important than what you do.

    I just have to see how long it takes for me to learn to live like a normal person.

    Maybe days, maybe years.

    Thanks for reading all this crazy gibberish! Now I am gonna go back to the bar and meet real people! When I read this myself, I get emotional. But I feel like I am healing. In Finland it is not widely accepted that men cry. But I have tried crying. I feel a lot better afterwards :D
  • edited 3:20AM
    I just came back from the clinic..hands out Lexipro and CampralË› keeps the good stuff for himself..Ë›
  • edited 3:20AM
    i heart base.
  • edited 3:20AM
    Jussi, you're normal. All you wish for will come in its own time. Lose yourself, find yourself, but don't abuse yourself (okay maybe a little).
  • edited April 2007
    Yup what Nightcrawler said......

    Base+panic attacks= :-L smoker smiley says: I am there man....after 5 cups of coffee, 4 and a half hours of sleep after 8 pints and 28 smokes baby.........health takes a front seat.

    fuck this internet shit man....hehehe.

    You are the bomb base.....forever dude.

    never forget what you have done.....ever.

    you've made a lot of peoples lives more enlightened for the better.

    Maybe not mine...but somebody I'm sure.....

  • edited April 2007
    jussi, if ever you are in the promised land (not israel, the other one), feel free to drop in for a beer or two ;)
  • edited 3:20AM
    to be honest, that could go to pretty much any of you.
  • edited 3:20AM
    Of course I'll drop in for a beer or six.
  • edited 3:20AM
    Hey Juzz,

    desire to be the best is healthy motivation where work is concerned. I think every1 here who is doing what they actually want to do, also probably want to be the best. I know I did. On my days when the creative juices dont flow, I switch to competitive mode in work. Thats how I have survived. As Mesk, says, loose yourself, find yourself and dont abuse yourself (I like that ;). Thats good advice.

    Keep creating.

    And Chris, maybe next time I'm down 'the road I'll give u a shout mon.
  • revrev
    edited 3:20AM
    Love Ya Base
  • edited 3:20AM
    chris the same goes for me. Beer is always good here down under.

    btw as mentioned above there does seem to be an inordinate number of depressive/panicky people here or is that just me?

    Buggered if I'm going on meds. Have seen that shit at work and it ain't pretty for a while. Got too much going on (with the divorce) to be out of it. Just have to power on through until it all settles down.
  • edited 3:20AM
    hey crankyboy, that's sad news (well..I'm assuming that..) I thought maybe something was going down from your recent posts. I'm in more or less the opposite situation (with a different girl from the one you've met, however), but the kind of feelings you have when you're going through what you're currently experiencing are never far from my mind...so if you want to talk (or just say nothing at all for a bit)...

    Plus...if you're looking for a place in Redfern...heh. I dunno, I wouldn't wish my old place on anybody in some ways...still, it has its charms.

    Anyway, don't know how PMs work here (is that what whispering is?) but fuck it, I don't care who here emails me (uh, I mean that in a good way)...anyway...mondo500 at mac, hotmail or gmail if you need it. And that goes for anybody else.
  • edited 3:20AM
    Hey Mondo :)
  • chris:"...and don't feel its fair to anyone else to have a match drag out over multiple months..."

    wait. that isn't the way it's meant to be done? oh...
    meska:No, it's not months, but years...
    if it wasnt for the *ahem* years of pst with mick, id of never gotten to know all of you so well. And im happy for that. you guys are like some kind of sicdk twisted family I only had in my dreams before baseboard came along.

    now I feel like Im home. Though its a new home which needs some paint :wink:

    i say cheers to base, and everyone else. I compare this to a rollercoaster ride. Had its up and downs, but now its done...

    and we can move onto the merry-go-round!
  • edited 3:20AM
    This is some thread !

    Hello everyone :smile:
  • edited 3:20AM
    ihc:~still working on the BBv6 plugins

    can they come here?
  • edited April 2007
    /bows to the peepz here (& on BB)
    Is it me, or do a fair amount of us suffer from some sort of mild anxiety and/or depression here?
    Being a designer is a very depressing job. Even more so, if you are standing on your own feet. I'm afraid there is nothing to be done in this matter.

    The only pseudo-advice that I have in such a situation is to invest your energy into designing cool stuff, rather than investing that energy into fighting your depressions. On very rare occasions it has worked for me.

  • edited 3:20AM
    I think that my view of life has changed dramatically in the last month. Do not know what has happened. I was pretty happy before, but I am a lot happier now. Maybe my heavy self-examining, brutal honesty against some friends and general chilling out has worked.


  • edited 3:20AM
    Word! Well done Jussi - i personally believe it's the Mr T haircut that did it for you ;)
  • edited 3:20AM
    anyone remember this version of BB?
    (refresh a couple of times, this free hosting is more than dodgy...)

    24 January 2002! more than 5 years ago!, unfortunately I lost the other saved pages :nausea:
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