The good morning thread



  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 9:57PM
    nicko said...It's my little boy's turn to be ill... so that makes 4 :nausea:
    Oh ,sweetie... :-(
  • edited 9:57PM
    Morning y'all

    Happy Chocolate Consumption Day :D
  • edited 9:57PM
    snowy as a bastard - good morning
  • edited 9:57PM
    it's been sunny and warm for a week. i have a sunburn.

    :) frozen sleet or snow tomorrow. i love wild weather.

    ok, it's not morning, but when i arrive, it's the start of my fazyluckin' day. *nod*

  • edited 9:57PM
    Evenin'. Snowy as a bastard
  • edited 9:57PM
    Morning! Sunneh as a bastid :happy:
  • edited 9:57PM
    grood moorning!

    man, i am like well tired, innit.
  • edited March 2008
    lol, me too, innit
  • edited 9:57PM
    aii !

    Good morning
  • edited 9:57PM
    all that time off i think, was quite a busy weekend :)

    what did you get up to?

    i was doing stuff around the house bike things on friday, went to cardiff to watch the edf semi-finals rugby games saturday, lots of family things sunday, steam train ride and general day-out™ type things yesterday. whacked.
  • edited 9:57PM
    Sounds good mate !

    I got pissed on thursday, played halo fro most of the weekend and watched the F1. Perfect !
  • edited 9:57PM
    chris said...all that time off i think, was quite a busy weekend :)

    what did you get up to?

    i was doing stuff around the house bike things on friday, went to cardiff to watch the edf semi-finals rugby games saturday, lots of family things sunday, steam train ride and general day-out™ type things yesterday. whacked.
    Sick kids™
  • edited 9:57PM
    ah, bugger. not the sickness, still?
  • edited 9:57PM
    Yeah, Zak got caught out with the stomach bug thing... along with a bit of teething etc etc
  • edited 9:57PM
    Bad 1 mate :awkward:

    Still a little time for some xbox though, eh? ;)
  • edited 9:57PM
    Yup, yup... I've pretty much done all I can be bothered to do on Burnout Paradise. I think I'll go back to Halo until GTA IV at the end of April
  • edited 9:57PM
    Good choice. April 15th the new maps are released :happy::happy::happy::happy::happy: I cant wait !

    Oh, my 5th console died on Thursday night :( So I borrowed a friends for the weekend. Microshaft have sent me a new 1 out straight away before i even send this one back ! Plus a wireless pad. I cant argue with that really
  • edited 9:57PM
    Let's take this to the game thread
  • edited 9:57PM
    good idea
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited March 2008
    Sunny,here in NYC!

    Good Morning,all!

    (you guys had OFF?) Not only did I work Friday and Monday ...but worked Easter Sunday as well! *Entertainment* Industry NEVER gets off! :-/
  • edited 9:57PM
    Morning Ve. !

    Yup, we had two national holiday here in the uk ! I really get OFF on that :happy:
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited March 2008
    lucky buggers, you! :happy:
  • edited 9:57PM
    Ve. said...Sunny,here in NYC!

    Good Morning,all!

    (you guys had OFF?) Not only did I work Friday and Monday ...but worked Easter Sunday as well! *Entertainment* Industry NEVER gets off! :-/
    The show must go on! :tongue:
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 9:57PM
    ...that's what the *mantra* is where I work! ;-)
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 9:57PM
    ...and I might add...I am NOT COMPLAINING! I get that lil' ol' paycheck. LONG MAY *CHICAGO* RUN...(we've been up for eleven years now...somewhat unheard of on Broadway!)
  • edited 9:57PM
    That means... I was only 15 when it opened :happy:
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited March 2008
    hehehehehe! (you are a YOUNG man) I MIGHT ADD that I haven't been there the entire time either, as I was a wee 7 when it opened! (urm...a BOLDFACED lie):tongue:
  • edited 9:57PM
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 9:57PM
  • edited 9:57PM
    good morning!

  • edited 9:57PM
    Morning. Ordinary as a bastard in Reigate
  • edited 9:57PM
    Morning !
  • edited 9:57PM
  • edited 9:57PM
    the morning started without me.

    i fell asleep on the floor in front of the woodstove, reading Spook Country, and dreamed i was wearing a VR headset. woke up a few minutes ago with the book over my face. thinking it wasn't midnight yet. heh.. at least someone threw a blanket over me.

    coffee's good, though. it's frosty out there, and there'll be a sunny day poking its way into my eyes soon.

    my nose peeled yesterday from sunburn. SPF50 in march predicts a heavy freckle season.

  • edited 9:57PM
    Seems like ages since I was here . . .

    Morning all :)

    It's a little Grey here today
  • edited 9:57PM
    at least you've got variety; that's something.

    one of those shades looks a bit pinkish; that must be exciting. :D
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 9:57PM
    Good Morning, Ladies & Gentlemen.

    SUNny, here,in NYC!
  • edited 9:57PM
    Morning Ve.!
  • edited 9:57PM
    Harro veedot
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 9:57PM
    hallo, men!:smile:
  • edited 9:57PM
    hallo Ve. :)
  • edited 9:57PM
    grood mooring!
  • edited 9:57PM
    gord mroning!
  • edited 9:57PM
    mick least you've got variety; that's something.

    one of those shades looks a bit pinkish; that must be exciting. :D
    Yes, but wouldn't you find it a bit disconcerting if the sky above you were in little squares!
    . . . I think I might be stuck in the Matrix!

    Pinkish! That might be booze or rose-tinted glasses causing that effect :)

    Morning AL
  • edited 9:57PM
    (sunneh as a bastard)
  • edited 9:57PM
    gord moaning! overcast but humid as a bastard!
  • edited 9:57PM
    Moord goning !
  • Ve.Ve.
    edited 9:57PM
    Grey,here. Slept in a bit!

    Good Morning(11:10 AM-just making it)
  • edited 9:57PM
    Part timer !!!

    Good afternoon Ve. ;)
  • edited 9:57PM
    11:10am? 11:10am?
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