6th May UK

edited April 2010 in conversations
I have a vague feeling that most UK posters here would vote for the Nick Clegg show - have no idea why that is but just a feeling.

I hope we get a result and not a hung outcome, one only has to look at Italy to see how truly yucky that would be.

I think Jordan ( Katie) should stand cause everyone knows her she is funny and has that common person in the street touch.


  • edited 10:17AM
    I wouldn't miss her if she got run over by a truck
  • edited 10:17AM
    nicko said...I wouldn't miss her if she got run over by a truck
    The width of her chest, I think you'd struggle to miss her, with a truck :)

    ... I think I know more who I won't vote for, at the mo, than who I will!
  • edited 10:17AM
    I have a vague feeling that most UK posters here would vote for the Nick Clegg show - have no idea why that is but just a feeling.
    I always thought we were all a little more intelligent than that.......

    ........wanders off to see if his constituency has a 'Monster Raving Loony Party' candidate.....
  • edited 10:17AM
    Yes but she would be good to get more people into the whole debate, we do need more people that are in the spot light like Ms Cole otherwise the whole thing gets way to stuffy.

    All these boring people like Brown and Cameron just do not have the finger on the pulse

  • edited 10:17AM
    If Conservatives win outright i'm leaving the country.
  • edited 10:17AM
    who are you going to vote for, greg? (if you don't mind me asking).
  • edited 10:17AM
    compelman said...
    I have a vague feeling that most UK posters here would vote for the Nick Clegg show - have no idea why that is but just a feeling.
    I always thought we were all a little more intelligent than that.......

    ...'Monster Raving Loony Party' candidate...
    They have my vote, oh actually all the parties look like they are raving bonkers! Back where I started!

    ...yes, Greg, who are you thinking, seriously, no mickey take...

    If I'm honest I'm torn between tactical and where I should vote (which is, don't laugh, Green! Actually I'm not even sure about that!) I have been reading through some of the policies and they are fuckwhits, all of them!

    Found this food for thought:
  • edited 10:17AM
    It will be tory
    I was talking to my daughter about this and she is in a red brick uni and feels that labour have just gotten way to many people into uni and therefore make a degree somewhat worth less than it should be, I couldnt agree more. It cost a fortune to go to uni and college why do some people get all this ema I think it's called and yet if you work your kid gets sod all.
    Think ema is like a carrot to keep chavs in college, they are like ''look I got some money init just for getting me addias butt outta bed init.

    Also tory with any luck as they may be better on law and order.

    God help us if we get the liberal lot in they are so very wet, our country would be flooded with non working people with ways different to our own .

  • edited 10:17AM
    No change there then.
  • edited 10:17AM
    free borders are the only way to a free world, why restrict people's movements based on where they're born?
  • edited 10:17AM
    greg, from your concerns, it sounds like you should be voting for the bnp or ukip, rather than the tories, to be fair.
  • edited 10:17AM
    Apparently someone did the right thing and has hung all of parliament - about time!
  • edited 10:17AM
    I cannot think of a time that a hung parliament has EVER been good - if that Gordon has to form a co gov say and get the welsh on board then the price would be to give another hand out to one of the most unproductive part of the UK. Male voice choirs will not get UK plc out of the mess we are in.

    The only way forward is a Cameron led party that will concemtrate on the problem in hand.

    Not only was it a bad night but we now have a bloody green mp wtf is that about, an mp voted in on uncertain debate about global warming - christ it is bloody freezing for May.

    There could be nothing worse than the country getting a knife held to it's throat by odd little thugs like the welsh party the snp ect
    very dissapointed with the whole damn thing
  • edited 10:17AM
    greg, please see post 2 posts above yours :)
  • edited 10:17AM
    that is a facile point

    if you take the BNP then yes they enjoy having a lot in common with a huge amount of people in the UK. If you look at the influx of people who seek out this country as a place of safe haven then you need to ask the question why the UK? The way in law that this should work is that they clam in the first safe country they land in. Now I may be a bit thick but I cannot understand how the UK given that it is an island can be the first.
    No party reflects a persons thoughts 100% however the tories are a broad church based on freedom of the person rather than enlarging of the state.

  • edited 10:17AM
  • edited 10:17AM
    greg said... christ it is bloody freezing for May.
    I cringe every time someone uses this argument in a global warming debate...look up the word climate, then look up the word weather they are not synonyms
  • edited 10:17AM
    Stoopid thread is stoopid
  • edited 10:17AM

    .... backs outa here slowly....
  • edited May 2010
    greg said...Chris
    if you take the BNP then yes they enjoy having a lot in common with a huge amount of people in the UK..
    542,387 out of 60mil in this country. Wow that's a lot in common.
  • edited 10:17AM
    Nicko it's not the thread that's stupid, it's Greg.
  • edited 10:17AM
    Kinda glad i live in a largely ethnic/multicultural area of London. Middle England looks scary in Blue.
  • edited 10:17AM
    meska - hmm whats stupid about global warming being a well funded gravy train for soft fuzzy types- prove it is man made now and here, you can't

    Chris - what I meant is that in all parties there is a crossover of views - although a vast number of people will never vote Bnp ( and rightly so ) they will still see an influx of eastern euro states and sundry others not a good thing.

    no comment yet on the point that seekers have to appy for safe haven in the first country they pass through !! ( figure fact is fact tough live with it )

    What is the problem with middle England - they get on with it and don't do all the touchy feely stuff and they get on with it regardless of race or colour, that is the right way of doing it.

    It is no issue if your black or pink - get on with it
    positive touchy feely like people waste to much time pointing out the difference and not getting things done.
    Now what this country needs and I hate to say it for fear of getting flamed is a bit for of a stiff upper lip. Let the scots bleat about how unfair it all is - yet the snp's biggest supporter a certain ex Mr bond actor pays his tax aboard.
    Let the Welsh carry on with their singing and sheep farming. Facts are facts England is a work place Scotland and wales are decoration and space to build Butlins holiday parks.

    Voting Tory is not a bad thing at all - and tory are less class focused than any other
    Bottom line life goes on, the planet gets warmer and colder, pink people black people yellow people all feel excluded unless they have cash in their back pocket

    There are somethings that do need help and money and touchy feely stuff stuff like kids health care and provision of good state education.
    It is also wrong to nanny state like labour do - sod it if people are fat they are fat cause they bloody eat a lot - did you ever see time time dig up old bones and say ''god they where big boned''
    people smoke and get cancer wtf they know smoking is not good for them
    people drink loads again they know it's not a health giving tonic
    So lets have a gov that allows people to get on with it.
  • edited 10:17AM
    ok greg, i don't really know what comment you want re: applying for a safe haven in the first country they get to. yeah, it's true?

    but back to your point about immigration from eastern european states not being a good thing - i'm not so sure. there has already been research done into the unskilled jobs they take, and the unskilled british (there are many) not wanting to do them. as long as they pay their way, then go for it.
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