hot damn! is this the new base?!

edited May 2007 in conversations
Forgive me for being one of those guys in the back of the train that wake up at the end of the line and haven't realized they've passed their stop :surprised:

Today I was checking my favorites, and when checking base, I found this new URL, and Boy, I'm impressed!

Nice one Base and inc!


  • edited May 2007
  • edited 1:14AM
    sorry for that :wink:

    anyway, congrats to all the authors! Vanilla is a good idea.
  • edited 1:14AM
    Yeah, congrats!

    I was one of the many who didnt/doesnt like change and when we started to move over here I couldnt seem to get used to it at first, but its now like a lot of things - I couldnt imagine being without FL!

    Its grown on me in big way, like some sort of radical car design which you dont like at first but eventually you love it more than most others. I'm not talking about the aesthetics of the site in particular but the functionality as well (I still dont like the logo at the top left though !! ~runs and hides from Chris). Since using FL, I now feel that FL is perfect (although a desktop widget would be great please Father Christmas!). It does what is says on the tin. I thought I wouldnt be able to live without BB's features and interface style but I'd never really done forums before BB so I didnt really know otherwise.

    Whilst your here though Base, although, as you say "This site has very little to do with you", I personally feel that it you do. Not to take any credit from the one and only great Chris Sockâ„¢ and who ever else has been involved. I feel that you have created a community which lives on. Especially since your post of explanation for ending BB, notice the amount of replies and the enthusiasm since your thread. I was worried that you were kind of saying goodbye with that thread, but you are still here and obviously chose not to reply to it through good reason. Respect to you again.

    The beauty of the whole thing is that it isnt just a new home for that community, I have noticed new faces here. Some who are new to me, and many who were as it seems, around BB well before my time. That is the great thing about this place. It has enticed people.

    Sorry to bore anyone. I needed to get that off my chest !!!

    Thank you Chris, thank you base :wink:
  • edited 1:14AM
    nicelly put!

    BTW, I love the fazyluckers name!, I have a laugh each time I read it :happy:
  • edited 1:14AM
    i wish i had time enough to be either fazy or a lucker
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