what's wrong here?

edited November 2008 in advice
i suppose it's to to with the general chaos in my font library. i'm in the process of sorting that with suitcase. (thread about font utilities here)
what are the fonts i should have installed to facilitate browsing and prevent some pages from looking like this?


  • edited 2:24AM
    that's a pretty cool font, Red. :)

    what browser? it looks like safari, but so does my Firefox face.
  • edited November 2008
    very cool and sooo legible

    firefox 3.03

    it occurs to me that some weird font perhaps has stolen the id for some font i've trashed, or???
  • edited 2:24AM
    what's the default font?


    mine's plain ol' Times.

    once i had an appearance weirdness with my browser. somehow the default font was set to something not on my computer.

    does your Suitcase app give you a way to make sure all your System fonts are in the System Library and others are in your user library? (never used Suitcase, here.)
  • edited November 2008
    I think you need a couple of default "web" fonts -- since I am more of a print guy I totally ignore which ones they are... but I think Verdana is in that list, and Times etc --- if you have them disabled stupidly designed pages will look very very weird.

    ok... I looked this up and for best results on the web out there you need the following fonts activated/installed on your mac:

    - Andale Mono
    - Arial
    - Arial Black
    - Brush Script
    - Comic Sans MS (yeah, people actually use that one)
    - Georgia
    - Impact
    - Times New Roman
    - Verdana
    - Webdings

    ... hope that helps. uh, and repair permissions, for some unknown resons on Mac OS X repairing permissions almost always fixed almost every odd issue that cropped up here. :happy:
  • Brilliant, checked the browser(s), default, was times, but it appeared as the above font. looked under times in fontbook and discovered a font called times phonetic alternative. seems this got swapped out with times. turned it off and all looks fine again. hoping that suitcase will sort the conflict.

    rbernato, thanks as well, i've been repairing permission obsessively lately to little avail, but that's another story. now i'm going to download applejack and give it a whirl on the laptop.
  • edited 2:24AM
    i'm pleased you were able to sort it out somewhat painlessly, Red. ;) heh.. not counting all the time you spent trying to figure it out.

    Applejack is the bomb. :) the routine that OS X does only repairs permissions on Apple's apps installed by the OS. that leaves a lot out.

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