The webfonts thread

edited September 2010 in conversations
It's nice that this is finally happening. I found another foundry of foundries (whatever I should call it) of webfonts yesterday. Some good ones...the real ones.

It's in beta, and surely they will charge in the future (hopefully not too much), but it has a really nice way of creating a font set for a project and providing it to you with a piece of javascript.

They let me in the beta almost immediately...too.


  • edited 10:09PM
    aha! (i signed up too) ((also, HELLO!))

    i did change the H1s here to the Lobster font (available from the google webfonts suppository), and everyone really fucking hated it, which was nice.
  • edited 10:09PM
    I signed up too.

    Welcome vaska :smile:
  • edited 10:09PM

    Folks I work with are always asking for the real stuff...Neue Helvetica Light No23489567239847329874, Trade Gothic, etc...etc...and it looks like this is starting to happen. Google has some nice ones too...

    The only problem is that three fonts and you are probably over do need to be very limited with your selections.
  • edited 10:09PM
    I'm pretty sure I'm late to this party, but came across another one as a client was asking me if they could use Omnes on their project. I was surprised to find it was possible...

    WebInk <= sort of an offputting name to this...
  • edited 10:09PM
    Yes, I'd seen web ink, not tried it ...I think we can expect Linotype to do something soon too, I got an survey trough the email the other week and the slant was all web fonts...

    (I'm a real web fonts virgin, having done nothing, with custom fonts, since M$'s web embedding technology of, oh, how many years ago - who remembers that .eot files, that's right?
    edited 10:09PM
    i still embed my comic sans headlines as gifs :D
  • edited 10:09PM
    CPU said...i still embed my comic sans headlines as gifs :D
    :happy: :happy:

    And talking of disliked fonts... have you seen this post on Michael's blog
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