Dear blank, please blank

edited March 2011 in creations is home to some very funny entries, you should take some time out and go and read them!

recently teamed up with sapling press to produce stationery of a selection of the entries, too, examples follow.

dear blank, please blank - stationery design typography sets

dear blank, please blank - stationery design typography sets


  • edited 6:13AM
    Dear J.K. Rowling,

    Your books are entirely unrealistic. I mean, a ginger kid with two friends?

    Sincerely, Anonymous.

    lulz :D
  • edited 6:13AM
    Dear bowling ball,
    You get picked up, fingered, thrown in the gutter, and then come back for more...
    Sincerely, you sound like half the girls I know.

    Dear annoying co-worker,
    Good morning... I see the assassin failed.
    Sincerely, let's try this again.

    Dear white people,
    Please narrate your own lives.
    Sincerely, Morgan Freeman.

  • edited 6:13AM
    Dear ninjas,
    We can do anything you can do, except we can do it completely plastered.
    Sincerely, pirates.
  • Dear banana,
    Please stop making me feel so awkward when I eat you.
    Sincerely, everyone.
  • edited March 2011
    Dear Hippie at the Arts n Crafts Fair,

    It's a sawed off treetrunk with polyurethane on it.
    It is not a coffee table you think you can get $150.00 for.

    Sincerely,.. Blueshead
  • dear vagina,

    it's really cool being a dick, writing stuff in the snow, peeing on those flies or little pinwheels in urinals. even just hanging with the big guy.

    love, your friend,

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