responsive typography [cool as fook]

edited February 2013 in creations


allow it to access your webcam, experience amazement :D


  • just found out that this board is responsive
  • I cant get anything to do anything in any browser
  • hmmn, do you have flash installed? and you need to specifically allow the site to use the webcam (heck, do you have a webcam? :D)
  • just got caught drawing eyes right above my penis for an err... experiment.
  • got it to work, think it was a flash issue
  • does this give you feedback you can share? (no web cam for me)

    also ...chris... i did not want to know that. i prefer to think of you all as smooth-crotched like Ken dolls.

  • hehe

    mick, the further away from the screen you get, the bigger the text becomes, keeping it relatively static in size. so you can read it just the same. it's pretty darn cool, yo.
  • thank you. :) that sounds impressive (the app!)
  • /me tucks danglies between legs to achieve smooth crotched look ^_^
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