I searched, but didn't find. you all helped me to fix an ancient photo.

edited October 2011 in conversations
and .... FIVE years later, all that effort came to fruition.

there were horrible old pictures that were scanned from a photo of a newspaper page.

my job was to fix them up and make them useful in a campaign to raise funds for a community dock. our old one crumbled a long time ago.

five years of fundraising, grant writing, door to door strong-arming, and a lot of just plain slave labour....

and we have our dock. it's not big and fancy, but it is a proper sea dock and there's already been use made of it several times for emergency transport.

thank you all for your patience in helping me understand scanners and resolutions, and your general good will and encouragement. special thanks also to Mondo, whose sketch of one of our early fishing boats went on many a promotional flyer.

old wharf
September 13, 2011

you took me from this:
oh help

to this:
new shoes

thank you again, dear people. you did a good thing.



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