PHP 4 upgrade to PHP 5 potential problems?

edited March 2008 in advice
I have a need for PHP 5 on a particular project, and our company dedicated server help is telling me we can only have PHP 4 or 5 enabled, not both.

If I put in a request for the upgrade, what are the potential problems I should be looking for? I haven't been the author of the majority of the files, and making sure I don't break anything.


  • edited 2:59PM
    some things will break. you can easily switch between both using mamp on your mac, btw.
  • edited 2:59PM
    Not a machine I have access to... it's our company's hosting service provider.

    Fingers crossed.
  • edited March 2008
    maybe you want to have a look at this
  • edited 2:59PM
    do as sock says - run both and test for breaks

    there isn't a lot that can go wrong
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