i don't get why the corner is ripped off. what's that supposed to mean? i think it woulda been cooler if it was printed on wrapping papers or printed as-is but with a roach clip attached.
nimmot said...i don't get why the corner is ripped off. what's that supposed to mean?
paper mouthpiece?
:: EDIT ::
In Europe, and to some extent in Eastern Canada, joints (or 'spliffs') are often rolled with a mix of tobacco and cannabis, and typically include a bit of cardboard (known as a "roach" in Europe, or a "filter" in Canada) in one end to serve as a sort of mouthpiece. (quote from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joint_(cannabis) )
came across this on brand new earlier - logo tournament
With the help of Siegel+Gale's Howard Belk and Sven Seger, Pentagram's Michael Bierut, and LogoLounge.com's Bill Gardner, Fortune magazine has pitted 16 logos in a battle to the death to determine the ultimate logo — when you put Nike against Intel you know the process is flawed, but as a fun exercise, it seems fun enough.
Some Geo. Mather’s Sons Inks: (left to right, top to bottom) Jacqueminot Red. Photo Brown. Old Gold. Fine Chocolate. Blue Black—Deep. Magenta. Peacock Blue. Permanent Purple—Bluish. Persian Orange. Carminated Red. Gloss Black. Light Green.
from the handsome Price List of Type, Printing Machinery and Material. Manufactured and for Sale by the Printer’s Warehouse, G. Edw. Osborn & Co. 398 State St., - New Haven Conn. 1892.
(although he copied my 'stud service' capability)
business cards on flickr
:: EDIT ::
With the help of Siegel+Gale's Howard Belk and Sven Seger, Pentagram's Michael Bierut, and LogoLounge.com's Bill Gardner, Fortune magazine has pitted 16 logos in a battle to the death to determine the ultimate logo — when you put Nike against Intel you know the process is flawed, but as a fun exercise, it seems fun enough.
brand equation
2016 olympic logos applicant cities
tourism logos
^click for more
nevis refresh the rutland id (pub in edinburgh)
new logo for the millercoors merger from pentegram (individual brand logos remain unchanged)
new logo for walmart, rumored to have been designed by New York-based Lippincott
try to guess what it might be, before you look.
i guessed... fish.
from the handsome Price List of Type, Printing Machinery and Material. Manufactured and for Sale by the Printer’s Warehouse, G. Edw. Osborn & Co. 398 State St., - New Haven Conn. 1892.