edit: NM got it to work

edited February 2008 in advice
For my home page I found what I thought was a pretty simple straightforward js/css rotating image gallery.

I can't get it to work.

I copied the placeholder images into my images folder. And since the javascript was a stand alone file, I linked/attached it like i would a CSS stylesheet.

I copied the CSS that came with the gallery into my working CSS and set up the div.

and this is what i get:

my site


  • edited February 2008
    Is this what I'm supposed to be seeing...?
    EDIT: ah, k, so the rotating placeholders pics work, no content yet, I guess
  • edited 12:54PM
    yeah i got it to work - had a path problem to where the images reside (i'm sooo blonde)

    and yes all that's up is a very rough version of the home page with meaningless placeholder images and rollover nav buttons that don't have any links yet as those pages don't exist yet.

    I'll keep posting as it progresses. Seems as soon as i post what i can't figure out - 20 seconds later i do - after wrestling with it for long periods of time.

    but it will definitely be going up for review/critique/criticism once all my content is in.
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