flash import thingy

edited January 2007 in advice

ive created a flash movie with 3 different scenes... on scene 3 i have imported/load movie using this on frame 1:

loadMovieNum("quiz.swf", 1);

this works fine until i navigate to scene 1 & 2 - the imported one still shows above the other scenes (top layer)

how can i do this so it dissapears when going to the other pages?

my head hurts!


  • edited 11:54AM
    unload ;)

    of course, you'd then need to reload it when going back to it... there is probably a better way, like moving it off the stage or something.
  • edited 11:54AM
    thought it would be something like that... opted for:

    on (press) {
    gotoAndPlay("SCENE 02", 1);

    edited 11:54AM
    instead of unloading it you could also hide/show it
  • edited 11:54AM
    what would be the code for that?
    edited 11:54AM
    onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
    theclipyouwanttohide._alpha = 0;

    or something like this iirc
  • edited 11:54AM
    cheers! will give it a go :]
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